
というNBER論文が上がっているungated版[NY連銀のスタッフレポート])。原題は「Global Trends in Interest Rates」で、著者はMarco Del Negro、Domenico Giannone、Marc P. Giannoni、Andrea Tambalotti(Marc Giannoniのみダラス連銀、他はNY連銀)。

Ten years after the most acute phase of the global financial crisis, interest rates remain at or near historically low levels for many countries. We studied the secular drivers of this low-interest-rate environment through the lens of a vector autoregression with common trends, using historical data from seven countries dating back to 1870. We found that the trend in the world safe real interest rate, which was roughly stable at a bit below 2 percent for more than a hundred years, has dropped significantly over the past three decades. This global trend, which we identified as the common component in the low-frequency movements of the real yields on safe and liquid assets (government bonds or close substitutes) in the seven economies in our sample, closely resembles the trends for all advanced economies, including the United States, in the recent period. We find that country-specific trends have all but vanished since the 1970s.
This secular decline in global real rates is driven primarily by an increase in the premium that international investors are willing to pay to hold safe and liquid assets, as well as by lower economic growth around the world. The latter trend has been putting downward pressure on real rates since around 1980, possibly linked to demographic shifts, while the former emerged in the late 1990s. This timing points to the scarcity of safe assets in the context of a global saving glut as a fundamental secular force behind the low-interest-rate environment.