
というNBER論文が上がっているungated版)。原題は「Factors that Fit the Time Series and Cross-Section of Stock Returns」で、著者はMartin Lettau(UCバークレー)、Markus Pelger(スタンフォード大)。

We propose a new method for estimating latent asset pricing factors that fit the time-series and cross-section of expected returns. Our estimator generalizes Principal Component Analysis (PCA) by including a penalty on the pricing error in expected returns. We show that our estimator strongly dominates PCA and finds weak factors with high Sharpe-ratios that PCA cannot detect. Studying a large number of characteristic sorted portfolios we find that five latent factors with economic meaning explain well the cross-section and time-series of returns. We show that out-of-sample the maximum Sharpe-ratio of our five factors is more than twice as large as with PCA with significantly smaller pricing errors. Our factors are based on only a subset of the stock characteristics implying that a significant amount of characteristic information is redundant.

著者がリスクプレミアム主成分分析(Risk-Premium PCA (RP-PCA))と呼ぶ新たな手法は、クロスセクションの価格付け誤差に対するペナルティ項を含むことによって、主成分分析をロスのAPTモデルと結び付けて一般化した、とungated版の本文では説明している。また、5つのファクターの経済的解釈は、それぞれ市場ファクター(market factor)、バリュー/バリュー相互作用(value/value-interaction)、モメンタム/モメンタム相互作用(momentum/momentum-interaction)、利益性(profitability)、リバーサルに大きく因っている「高シャープレシオ」ファクター(“high SR” factor that loads heavily on reversal)、との由。