

●6/25:ある実効限界税率(An Effective Marginal Tax Rate)

Interesting numbers from Phil Gramm and Robert B. Ekelund Jr.:

The bottom quintile earned 2.2% of all earned income in 2013, but after adjusting for taxes and transfer payments, its share of spendable income rose to 12.9%—six times its proportion of earnings. The second quintile’s share more than doubled, rising from 7% of earned income to 13.9% of spendable income. For the third quintile, middle-income Americans, the increase was much smaller, from 12.6% to 15.4%.

To put it another way, the effective marginal tax rate when a person moves from the bottom to the middle quintile is 1 - (15.4-12.9)/(12.6-2.2), or 76 percent.
Update: A reader points out that this calculation does not take into account various types of heterogeneity that might be correlated with income. True, but the graph in this old post shows that this probably does not matter much. Those in the bottom half of the income distribution face very high effective marginal tax rates.


換言すれば、最下位から真ん中の5分位に移る人の実効限界税率は1 - (15.4-12.9)/(12.6-2.2)、ないし76パーセントとなる。

●7/11:経済ジャーナリストへのお願い(A plea to economics journalists)

I was recently reading an article by Greg Ip (one of best economics journalists around, by the way), and he used the following expression:

"the trade balance improved"

A quick google search finds this expression (and the related "the trade balance deteriorated") used many thousands of times by various writers.
I would like to ask everyone to please stop saying things like this. Write instead:

"the trade balance moved toward surplus"

I know that is wordier, but saying "the trade balance improved" lends credibility to the view that trade surpluses are always good and trade deficits are always bad. That is not true, of course, and I doubt Mr. Ip intended that interpretation. But in light of all the craziness going on lately with regard to trade policy, it is best not to inadvertently give aid and comfort to the crazies.





●7/15:今年読んだ最も重要な本(The most important book I've read this year)

Larry Ball carefully looks at one aspect of the financial crisis--the collapse of Lehman Brothers--and documents that the conventional narrative, as told by many of the leading policymakers who were there, is false. According to Ball, the Fed failed to act as lender of last resort when it could have, making the financial crisis worse than necessary. In other words, at a crucial moment, Bernanke and company did not summon the courage to act.
For serious students of macroeconomic history, a must read.

ちなみに該当書は下記(cf. ボールの関連論文)。

*1:原文ママ(more than doubled)。ちなみに元記事によるとデータソースはこちらのケイトー研究所レポート。