
とミーゼス研究所のブログでヘスース・ウエルタ・デ・ソト(Jesús Huerta de Soto)*1主張している*2(H/T Mostly Economics)。

Thus the origin and existence of interest must be independent of capital goods, and must rest, as we have already stated, on human beings’ subjective time preference. It is easy to comprehend why theorists of the Clark-Knight School have made the mistake of considering the interest rate to be determined by the marginal productivity of capital. We need only observe that interest and the marginal productivity of capital become equal in the presence of the following: first, an environment of perfect equilibrium in which no changes occur; second, a concept of capital as a mythical fund which replicates itself and involves no need for specific entrepreneurial decision-making with respect to its depreciation; and third, a notion of production as an instantaneous “process” which hence takes no time. In the presence of these three conditions, which are as absurd as they are removed from reality, the rent of a capital good is always equal to the interest rate. In light of this fact, it is perfectly understandable that theorists imbued with a synchronous, instantaneous conception of capital have been deceived by the mathematical equality of income and interest in a hypothetical situation such as this, and that from there they have jumped to the theoretically inadmissible conclusion that productivity determines the interest rate, and not vice versa, as Austrians precisely assert. Members of the Austrian school hold that varying marginal productivity (that is, the value of the future flow of returns) determines only the market price of each capital good, a price which will tend to equal the present, discounted (at the interest rate) value of this flow of expected returns. At the same time an increase (or decrease) in the interest rate (determined by time preference) will give rise to a decrease (or increase) in the present value (market price) of each capital good (regardless of its historical cost of production) via the corresponding process of discounting (at the interest rate) the expected future flow of returns, and precisely until this amount coincides with the interest rate (and the necessary depreciation rate).

このエントリの前段でデ・ソトは、ジョン・ベイツ・クラーク(John Bates Clark)ら新古典派の考え方と、それに対するオイゲン・フォン・ベーム=バヴェルク(Eugen von Böhm-Bawerk)の反論を紹介している。それによると、クラークの考え方は単にワルラス一般均衡の考え方を資本に移し替えたものだったため、時間概念の抜けた静的モデルになってしまったという。

*1:cf. ヘスース・ウエルタ・デ・ソト - Wikipedia

*2:こちらの著書「The Austrian School: Market Order and Entrepreneurial Creativity」からの引用。同書は邦訳もされている:

オーストリア学派: 市場の秩序と起業家の創造精神

オーストリア学派: 市場の秩序と起業家の創造精神