海外からの科学者の流入は米科学界に損失をもたらすか? 波及効果の研究

というNBER論文が上がっているungated版)。原題は「Does Scientist Immigration Harm US Science? An Examination of Spillovers」で、著者はAjay Agrawal(トロント大)、John McHale(アイルランド国立大)、Alex Oettl(ジョージア工科大)。

The recruitment of foreign scientists enhances US science through an expanded workforce, but potentially could also cause harm by displacing better connected domestic scientists, thereby reducing localized knowledge spillovers. We develop a model in which a sufficient condition for the absence of overall harm is that foreign recruits are equally well connected to US scientists as the domestic scientists they displace. To test this condition, we conduct a hypothetical experiment in which each immigrant displaces an appropriately matched domestic scientist. Our measure of connection is subsequent citations to the scientist's work by other US scientists. Although we find that prior to their move immigrants are significantly less connected to US scientists than their matches, the post-immigration catch up in connection patterns is rapid. Once in the US, immigrant scientists are cited by US scientists at rates that are at least as great as their domestic matches. We find that the immigrant forward citation premium tends to be greater where they are relatively isolated from co-nationals and also where they come from countries where the use of English is common. Overall, we do not find evidence that immigrant scientists harm US science through a crowding out of better connected US scientists.