という論文をMarc F. BellemareがMetrics Mondayで紹介している。論文の原題は「Identification Is Not Causality, and Vice Versa」で、著者はミシガン大のR. Jay KahnとToni M. Whited。
We distinguish between identification and establishing causality. Identification means forming a unique mapping from features of data to quantities that are of interest to economists. Establishing causality by finding sources of exogenous variation is often considered synonymous with identification, but these two concepts are distinct. Exogenous variation is only sometimes necessary and never sufficient to identify economically interesting parameters. Instead, even for causal questions identification must rest on an underlying economic model. We illustrate these points by analyzing identification in three recent papers and by examining the estimation of a simple dynamic model.
In terms of its pure statistical definition, identification is simple. An applied econometrician defines an objective function over parameters and a data population, and her goal is to select parameters that minimize this objective function, in which the population has been replaced by a specific sample. A parameter is identified if there is a unique minimum for the objective function at its true value in the population. Yet discussion of this pure statistical issue of identification is not of particular interest to applied economists because the parameter at the minimum of the objective function may or may not be of interest from an economic point of view. For example, if we say a regression of price on quantity does not identify demand, we are not arguing that the regression itself is not well-formed. Ordinary least squares produces an unbiased estimate of the slope coefficient on price. However, we are stating that this estimation has not identified an economic parameter, typically a utility parameter, that we find interesting. The true problem of identification is then using an econometric objective function to form a mapping from observed data to relevant economic parameters. Unfortunately, identifying an economically interesting parameter is far more difficult than the sheer statistical definition of identification might suggest.
The purpose of this paper is to delineate the relationship between estimating a causal effect and the more general issue of identification.