
というNBER論文が上がっているungated版紹介記事)。原題は「Stress Tests and Small Business Lending」で、著者はKristle Cortés(ニューサウスウェールズ大)、Yuliya Demyanyk(クリーブランド連銀)、Lei Li(カンザス大)、Elena Loutskina(バージニア大)、Philip E. Strahan(ボストンカレッジ)。

Post-crisis stress tests have altered banks’ credit supply to small business. Banks affected by stress tests reduce credit supply and raise interest rates on small business loans. Banks price the implied increase in capital requirements from stress tests where they have local knowledge, and exit markets where they do not, as quantities fall most in markets where stress-tested banks do not own branches near borrowers, and prices rise mainly where they do. These reductions in supply are concentrated among risky borrowers. Stress tests do not, however, reduce aggregate credit. Small banks increase their share in geographies formerly reliant on stress-tested lenders.