というNBER論文をルイジ・ジンガレスらが書いている(ungated版)。原題は「Political Determinants of Competition in the Mobile Telecommunication Industry」で、著者はMara Faccio(パデュー大)、Luigi Zingales(シカゴ大)。
We study how political factors shape competition in the mobile telecommunication sector. We show that the way a government designs the rules of the game has an impact on concentration, competition, and prices. Pro-competition regulation reduces prices, but does not hurt quality of services or investments. More democratic governments tend to design more competitive rules, while more politically connected operators are able to distort the rules in their favor, restricting competition. Government intervention has large redistributive effects: U.S. consumers would gain $65bn a year if U.S. mobile service prices were in line with German ones and $44bn if they were in line with Danish ones.
一昨日紹介したスティグリッツのNBER論文は大手銀行への彼への反発(cf. ここ)が滲んでいたが、この論文は、親企業よりは親市場を、というジンガレスの持論(cf. ここ)を反映しているようである。