As nature abhors a vacuum, so monetary policy abhors stasis. Instead of being a rigid set of precepts, it follows the adage, that which survives is that which is most adaptive to change. Over the past century, monetary policy strategies have evolved in response to changing realities, from the panics and depressions of the late 19th and early 20th centuries that led to the creation of the Federal Reserve to the Great Depression, from Bretton Woods and subsequent battles to contain inflation to the dominance of inflation targeting today (Williams 2014, 2015a).
In the wake of the global financial crisis, monetary policy has continued to evolve, in this latest incarnation battling low inflation and stagnation via unconventional monetary policy actions like quantitative easing and near-zero or even negative interest rates. As we move forward, economic conditions require that central banks and governments throughout the world carefully reexamine their policy frameworks and consider further adjustments in terms of monetary policy strategy—both in its own right and as it relates to other policy arenas—to successfully navigate these new seas.
自然が真空を嫌うように、金融政策は静止状態を嫌う。一連の厳格な指針になってしまうのではなく、変化に最も適応した者が生き残るという格言*1に金融政策は従っている。前世紀を通じて、金融政策の戦略は、FRBを創設するきっかけとなった19世紀末と20世紀初めのパニックや恐慌から大恐慌に至るまで、ブレトンウッズおよびその後のインフレを封じ込めるための戦いから今日のインフレ目標全盛に至るまで、変化する現実に対応して進化してきた(Williams 2014, 2015a)。
*1:preceptもadageも格言という意味があるが、こちらのサイトでは、「adage: a proverb or short statement expressing a general truth./proverb: a short, traditional, and pithy saying; a concise sentence, typically metaphorical or alliterative in form, stating a general truth or piece of advice; an adage.」のように説明されており、preceptは「Similar to a maxim, a precept is a general command or injunction; a rule for action or conduct, especially a rule for moral conduct. A precept that has implications for personal privacy and security is, “A man’s home is his castle.”」と説明されている。なお、ここで実際に引用されているadageは一般にダーウィンの言葉とされているが、厳密な引用ではない模様(cf. ここ)。