
と題したエントリがNY連銀ブログに上がっている(H/T Economist's View)。原題は「The Rapidly Changing Nature of Japan’s Public Debt」で、著者はThomas KlitgaardとHarry Wheeler。

The discussion above offers up a perspective on what is meant by “monetizing debt.” This term refers to a central bank buying government bonds and promising to keep them on its balance sheet with the result that the increase in reserves in the banking system translates into higher prices. This outcome, though, requires that the central bank not pay the appropriate interest rates on reserves. If it does, then an asset purchase program is just an effort that shortens the maturity of public-sector debt and will likely have few or no implications for future inflation.


The taxpayer does gain since the asset purchase program shortens the maturity of public-sector debt, which given the term premium on long-term bonds, lowers the amount of interest payments on this debt. Note that the story can get more complicated whenever short-term rates rise significantly above long-term rates, as Marco Del Negro and Christopher Sims explained in an earlier post on “Central Bank Solvency and Inflation.”
納税者は確かに利益を得る。というのは、資産購入プログラムは公的部門債務の満期を短期化するが、長期債のタームプレミアムを前提とするならば、それによって当該債務の利払い額が低下するからである。ただ、マルコ・デル・ネグロとクリストファー・シムズが以前のポスト「Central Bank Solvency and Inflation*1で説明したように、短期金利長期金利を相当上回るようになると、話はもっとややこしくなる。

*1:cf. ここ