
アラン・ブラインダーが貿易に関するWSJ論説を書き、マンキューが「Alan Blinder has a great column」としてリンクした一方で、ディーン・ベーカージャレッド・バーンスタインが反発している。

The U.S. multilateral trade balance — its balance with all of its trading partners — has been in deficit for decades. Does that mean that our country is in some sort of trouble? Probably not. For example, people who claim that our trade deficit kills jobs need to explain how the U.S. managed to achieve 4 percent unemployment in 2000, when our trade deficit was larger, as a share of GDP, than it is today.
米国の多国間貿易収支――すべての貿易相手国との収支――は何十年も赤字である。これは我が国が何らかの問題を抱えていることを意味するのだろうか? おそらく違う。例えば、我々の貿易赤字が職を奪っていると主張する人たちは、我々の貿易赤字が対GDP比率で今日より大きかった2000年に4%の失業率をいかに達成したかを説明する必要がある。


I assume that Blinder knows there is an easy answer to his challenge to explain 4.0 percent unemployment in 2000 "when our trade deficit was larger, as a share of GDP, than it is today." We had a huge stock bubble in 2000. This led to what was at the time a record low savings rate as people spent based on their bubble generated stock wealth. We also had a surge of tech sector investment as tech companies were directly financing investment with stock sales.
When the bubble burst, there was no easy way to make up this demand. The economy had negative job growth for two and half years and didn't make up the jobs lost in the recession until January of 2005, the longest period without positive job growth since the Great Depression (since surpassed by the Great Recession. When job growth eventually did resume it was on the back of the housing bubble, which also did not end well.


No one is saying that trade deficits prevent full employment. What we are saying is that the magnitude of the trade deficits we’ve run—averaging -4% of GDP since 2000 and -2.8% in the most recent quarter—must be offset if we are going to get to full employment.


In short, if the trade deficit is 3.0 percent of GDP (@$540 billion a year) as opposed to its pre-East Asian bailout average of just over 1.0 percent of GDP, then it has an equivalent impact on the economy of cutting annual government spending by $360 billion. And, in the model that Blinder used in his analysis of the bailout and stimulus, that would cost millions of jobs.