インフレ引き上げのための金利引き上げ? ニューケインジアンモデルにおける新フィッシャー性

新フィッシャー派(フィッシャー式逆さ眼鏡派)の理論に関する表題のNBER論文が上がっている。原題は「Raise Rates to Raise Inflation? Neo-Fisherianism in the New Keynesian Model」で、著者はJulio Garín(ジョージア大)、Robert Lester(コルビー大)、Eric Sims(ノートルダム大)。

Increasing the inflation target in a textbook New Keynesian (NK) model may require increasing, rather than decreasing, the nominal interest rate in the short run. We refer to this positive short run co-movement between the nominal interest rate and inflation conditional on a nominal shock as Neo-Fisherianism. We show that the NK model is more likely to be Neo-Fisherian the more persistent is the change in the inflation target and the more flexible are prices. Neo-Fisherianism is driven by the forward-looking nature of the model. Modifications which make the framework less forward-looking make it less likely for the model to exhibit Neo-Fisherianism. As an example, we show that a modest and empirically realistic fraction of "rule of thumb" price-setters may altogether eliminate Neo-Fisherianism in the textbook model.