
というNBER論文が上がっているungated版)。原題は「An Equilibrium Model of Institutional Demand and Asset Prices」で、著者はRalph S.J. Koijen(ロンドンビジネススクール)、Motohiro Yogo(プリンストン大)。

We develop an asset pricing model with rich heterogeneity in asset demand across investors, designed to match institutional holdings. The equilibrium price vector is uniquely determined by market clearing for each asset. We relate our model to traditional frameworks including Euler equations, mean-variance portfolio choice, factor models, and Fama-MacBeth regressions. Because the asset demand system cannot be estimated consistently by least squares in the presence of price impact, we propose two identification strategies, based on a coefficient restriction or instrumental variables. We apply our model to understand the role of institutions in stock market movements, liquidity, volatility, and predictability.


We develop an asset pricing model that could answer a broad set of questions related to the role of institutions in asset markets. For example, have asset markets become more liquid over the last 30 years with the growing importance of institutional investors? How much of the volatility and predictability of asset prices is explained by institutional trades? Do large investment managers amplify volatility in bad times, and therefore, should they be regulated as systemically important financial institutions (Office of Financial Research 2013; Haldane 2014)?
Traditional asset pricing models are not suitable for answering these types of questions because they fail to match institutional holdings. Strong assumptions about preferences, beliefs, and constraints in these models imply asset demand with little (if any) heterogeneity across investors. Moreover, asset demand depends rigidly on the joint moments of asset prices, dividends, and consumption, which are difficult to map to institutional holdings. While the empirical asset pricing literature has used institutional holdings data, an equilibrium model that simultaneously matches asset demand and imposes market clearing does not exist.
我々は、資産市場における機関投資家の役割に関連する様々な疑問に答えることができる資産価格モデルを構築した。そうした疑問の例としては、以下のようなものがある。過去30年間に機関投資家が重要度を増すに連れ、資産市場の流動性は高まったのか? 資産価格のボラティリティと予測可能性のうち機関投資家の取引によって説明できるのはどの程度か? 大手の機関投資家の運用者は相場の地合いが悪い時期にボラティリティを増幅させるため、システム上重要な金融機関として規制されるべき(米財務省金融調査局[2013]、ホールデン2014])なのか?