
というNBER論文が上がっているungated(NY連銀)版)。原題は「Uncertainty Shocks, Capital Flows, and International Risk Spillovers」で、著者はOzge Akinci(NY連銀)、Ṣebnem Kalemli-Özcan(メリーランド大)、Albert Queralto(FRB)。

Foreign investors’ changing appetite for risk-taking have been shown to be a key determinant of the global financial cycle. Such fluctuations in risk sentiment also correlate with the dynamics of UIP premia, capital flows, and exchange rates. To understand how these risk sentiment changes transmit across borders, we propose a two-country macroeconomic framework. Our model features cross-border holdings of risky assets by U.S. financial intermediaries who operate under financial frictions, and who act as global intermediaries in that they take on foreign asset risk. In this setup, an exogenous increase in U.S.-specific uncertainty, modeled as higher volatility in U.S. assets, leads to higher risk premia in both countries. This occurs because higher uncertainty leads to deleveraging pressure on U.S. intermediaries, triggering higher global risk premia and lower global asset values. Moreover, when U.S. uncertainty rises, the exchange rate in the foreign country vis-à-vis the dollar depreciates, capital flows out of the foreign country, and the UIP premium increases in the foreign country and decreases in the U.S., as in the data.

UIP(カバー無し金利平価)プレミアムについてはKalemli-Özcanが他の共著者(LSEのLiliana Varela)と約1年前に別のNBER論文を書いているが*1、そのungated版では、カバー無し金利平価式
  Et(St+h)(1 + iUSt) = St(1 + it)
を用いて(ここで itとiUStは自国と米国の短期[12か月]金利、hは12か月、Eは一年後の期待値、Sは米ドル当たり自国通貨の単位)
  λet+h = (it − iUSt) + (st − set+h)
