ケビン・ウォーシュ(Kevin Warsh)とマイケル・スペンス(Michael Spence)が書いた表題の主旨のWSJ論説記事が波紋を呼んでいる。
In the eyes of critics, QE is the anti-Veg-O-Matic: it does everything bad, slicing and dicing and pureeing all good things. It’s inflationary; well, maybe not, but it undermines credibility; well, maybe not but it it causes excessive risk-taking; well, maybe not but it discourages business investment, which I think is a new one.
Brad DeLong spends what may be too much time on the latest...When Brad complains that there is no coherent argument offered in the article — not a bad argument, but no argument at all — it’s pretty much what one might have expected from Warsh.
What I don’t understand is why Mike Spence wants to associate himself with this sort of thing.
As Charles Steindel commented:
Charles Steindel: "Indeed, acknowledging that the models don't fit very well, it is rather flabbergasting to assert that elevated values of Tobin's Q are bad for capital spending..."
I think that says it all...
Spence and Warsh suggest QE has raised uncertainty about the future because unwinding it may have harmful effects on the real economy. But if unwinding QE can reduce spending, then surely launching QE raised spending. And foregoing QE would have made the recession even deeper and more damaging. The Fed’s job is to be sure not to unwind QE before the economy is strong enough. Communicating that strategy is something the Fed could improve.
...they assert a proposition that I have not encountered in 40 years as a professional economist: that overly easy monetary policy reduces business investment. Indeed, they blame the weakness of business investment during the current recovery on the Fed.
This line of argument is to say the least surprising.
Every major macroeconomics textbook -- whether Keynesian monetarist or classical in orientation -- teaches students that investment increases as real interest rates decline. This is motivated in a variety of quite compelling ways.