という主旨の論文を紹介したIMFブログ記事(著者はRatna Sahay、Martin Čihák、Papa N’Diaye)で、以下の図が掲げられている。
深度[DEPTH] | 1. 民間信用(GDP比%)[Private-sector credit (% of GDP)] 2. 年金資産(GDP比%)[Pension fund assets (% of GDP)] 3. 投信資産(GDP比%)[Mutual fund assets (% of GDP)] 4. 生命保険やその他の保険の保険料総額(GDP比%)[Insurance premiums, life and non-life (% of GDP)] |
1. 株式時価総額の対GDP比率[Stock market capitalization to GDP] 2. 株式売買高の対GDP比率[Stocks traded to GDP] 3. 政府の対外債務証券(GDP比%)[International debt securities government (% of GDP)] 4. 非金融機関の債務証券総額(GDP比%)[Total debt securities of nonfinancial corporations (% of GDP)」 5. 金融機関の債務証券総額(GDP比%)[Total debt securities of financial corporations (% of GDP)] |
アクセス[ACCESS] | 1. 成人一万人当たりの支店数(商業銀行)[Branches (commercial banks) per 100,000 adults] 2. 成人一万人当たりのATM数[ATMs per 100,000 adults] |
1. 十大企業以外の時価総額比率[Percent of market capitalization outside of top 10 largest companies] 2. 債務発行企業総数(対内および対外、非金融および金融)[Total number of issuers of debt (domestic and external, nonfinancial corporations, and financial corporations)] |
効率性[EFFICIENCY] | 1. 金利の純ベースの利鞘[Net interest margin] 2. 預貸スプレッド[Lending-deposits spread] 3. 非金利収入の対総収入比率[Non-interest income to total income] 4. 経費の対総資産比率[Overhead costs to total assets] 5. 総資産利益率[Return on assets] 6. 自己資本利益率[Return on equity] |
1. 株式市場の売買代金回転率(株式売買高/時価総額)[Stock market turnover ratio (stocks traded/capitalization)] |