
と題された論文をHuiping Yuan(厦門大学)とStephen M. Miller(ネバダ大学ラスベガス校、コネチカット大学)が書いている。原題は「Target Controllability and Time Consistency:Complement to the Tinbergen Rule」。

The Tinbergen Rule states that achieving the desired targets requires an equal number of instruments. This paper shows that time inconsistency does not exist in the case of an equal number of instruments and targets. Target uncontrollability and time inconsistency, however, emerge as problems in the case of fewer instruments than targets. In this case, we obtain a necessary and sufficient condition for joint asymptotic controllability of target values, which complements the Tinbergen rule. The condition is identical under commitment and under discretion. If the condition does not hold, the steady-state values of target variables regress to their respective target values. The paper solves both problems by determining the central bank’s target values of inflation and output as well as the relative weight between stabilizing inflation and output. Intuitively, a proper target value trade-off solves target uncontrollability, whereas a proper relative weight achieves optimal target variability trade-off and solves time inconsistency. As a result, target values are controllable, establishing monetary policy credibility. Discretionary policy under the designed loss function, which replicates optimal policy under the social loss function, proves time-consistent. In addition, we identify two situations where the delegated weight equals the social weight, providing additional insight into time inconsistency.


Point controllability means that policy makers can achieve certain target values at a specified point in time. In practice, policy makers probably desire a stronger notion than point controllability, path controllability. Path controllability means that policy makers can make target variables follow some prescribed trajectories over a certain time interval (e.g., Aoki [1975]). Obviously, path controllability implies point controllability, whereas the converse generally does not hold. Asymptotic controllability means that policy makers can reach the target values at infinity.


...if the system, which consists of a quadratic loss function and a linear Phillips curve, converges with commitment and with discretion, target values are jointly asymptotically controllable if and only if they satisfy the steady-state Phillips curve.

なお、「regress to their respective target values」については、通常の意味と異なるニュアンスで使われている。結論部ではこの点について以下のように説明されている。

...if target values do not satisfy the steady-state Phillips curve, the steady-state values of target variables exhibit regression to their respective target values. That is, with a high target value of the output gap relative to that of the inflation rate, the steady-state value of the output gap falls below its target value, and the steady-state value of the inflation rate rises above its target value. The regressive nature explains the inflation bias. An overly ambitious output target value implies a relatively low inflation target value. A low inflation target value leads to the steady-state value of inflation higher than its target value. Therefore, both the literature and we agree that an overly ambitious output target value leads to inflation bias. But we attribute the constant average inflation bias to fewer instruments than targets, rather than to time inconsistency as the literature stresses.

*1:cf. ここ