
というSF連銀エコノミックレターを同連銀のvisiting scholarであるUCアーバインのDavid Neumarkと、ブリストル大のHelen Simpsonが書いている(原題は「Do Place-Based Policies Matter?」;H/T Mostly Economics*1


Place-based policies refer to government efforts to enhance the economic performance of specific areas within their jurisdiction. Most commonly, place-based policies target underperforming areas, such as deteriorating downtown business districts in the United States or disadvantaged areas in European Union countries. But they can also be designed to improve the economic performance of areas that are already doing well, for example by encouraging further development of an existing cluster of businesses concentrated in a particular industry.
Do these place-based policies work? This question is difficult to answer because finding similar areas that were not targeted for assistance to use for an appropriate comparison is a challenge. Moreover, the local emphasis of these policies implies that we have to account for the possibility that workers and businesses may move in response to policy incentives. This mobility can lead to benefits going to those who were not originally targeted. A further concern is that, even if a place-based policy benefits one area, it can reduce economic activity in another area, which raises the question of whether these policies increase overall economic activity.
そうした地域ベースの政策は効果があるのだろうか? この問題は答えるのは難しい。というのは、適切な比較のために使える補助の対象となっていない地域を見つけるのは困難だからである。また、これらの政策が地域を強調することからして、政策のインセンティブに反応して労働者や企業が移動する可能性も考慮しなくてはならない。そうした移動によって、元々の対象ではない人々に便益が与えられることもある。さらに懸念すべきは、仮に地域ベースの政策がある地域を潤したとしても、他の地域の経済活動を減じる可能性があることである。従って、それらの政策が全体的な経済活動を増進させたかどうか、という問題を考えなくてはならない。



The extensive research on place-based policies indicates that some types of well-designed policies can be effective, while other policies do not appear to be. Policies that subsidize businesses based solely on their location are hard to defend based on the research record. Place-based policies used in a more discretionary fashion seem to work better, perhaps because policymakers can target subsidies where they will do the most good and also hold recipients accountable. And place-based policies that generate public goods such as infrastructure and knowledge appear beneficial, perhaps because these goods are underprovided by the private sector.

But even among the more effective policies, exactly what makes them work is unclear. Past research can provide some guidance, but the lack of consistent evidence means that any such policies need to be continually monitored and evaluated to see whether they actually deliver their intended benefits.
