米国は日本型の経済停滞に陥るか、というテーマでのクルーグマンとサマーズ(+デビッド・ローゼンバーグ、イアン・ブレマー)の討論を2年前に紹介したことがあったが、その席でのサマーズの発言をAshok Raoが「The Evolution of Larry Summers」と題した自ブログエントリで引用している(H/T クルーグマン)。
Paul, you forecast in 1994 [...] that Japanese potential GDP growth would be 3% or a bit more. By that standard, Japan is now producing half of the potential output that people were forecasting when its lost decade began. That’s a problem of a different magnitude than a U.S. gap, serious though it is, at 6 or 7%.
There is little wonder that Japan’s slow-down is so profound given the magnitude of the structural problems that hold Japan back: the most rapidly aging society in the industrialized world resulting in slow labour-force growth; epic insularity and inability to accept immigration; in the face of distress a massive retrenchment by its companies to their home markets; an utter lack of capacity for entrepreneurial innovation in the era of the social network. The United States remains, witness my colleague here, the only country in the world where you can raise your first 100 million dollars before you buy your first suit and tie.
Let’s look at relative perspective. When Japan went wrong in the 1990s, the world was working. The United States was flourishing and growing. [...] The United States’ problems are the problems of every industrial democracy. And the U.S. share of the industrial world is steadily increasing.
[I]f you look at what passes for governance in Europe in recent years, I would suggest that our problems do not loom large relative to either the economics or to the politics in the rest of the world. We remain totally unlike Japan. We remain the place where everyone in the world wants to come and the place where everyone in the world wants to put their money.
Finally, we are a uniquely resilient society and we have seen this before. John Kennedy died believing that Russia would surpass the United States by the early 1980s. Every issue of the Harvard Business Review in 1991 proclaimed that the Cold War was over and that Japan and Germany had won, and that was before the best decade in U.S. economic history.
It will take time. There are steps that need to be taken but we are a society that works. We are a society whose principle problems — we all up here agree — can be addressed by a change in the printing of money and the creation of infrastructure. That is not the kind of fundamental problem Japan has.