

This debate, because it took place within a basically Keynesian, leftist worldview, was very interesting. Both Krugman and Summers spent a lot of time saying that they agreed with each other — with one big difference. They both quoted Keynes as diagnosing “magneto trouble” — the engine of the economy is broken, and it needs to be fixed. Summers has faith that, in Churchill’s phrase, “Americans can always be counted on to do the right thing, after they have exhausted all other possibilities” — the right thing, here, being to fix the magneto with expansionary fiscal and monetary policy. Krugman, by contrast, sees political gridlock as far as the eye can see, and says that it doesn’t matter how innovative or philanthropic or demographically attractive the U.S. is — if you don’t fix the magneto, the car won’t start, and America’s magneto ain’t gonna get fixed any time soon.

ちなみにFree ExchangeのGrep Ipはこの討論に事寄せて、日米の人口の伸びの差の問題は皆が考えるより大きく、日本の1997年の消費税の引き上げの問題は皆が考えるより小さい、という見方を示している

*1:本エントリのタイトルは討論の主催者「The Munk Debates」と「ムンクさん」を掛けてみました(厳密に言えばスペルが違いますが)。ちなみにクルーグマンはmonkと掛けていますです。