... On the one hand, agents sometimes (often) seem to have what Simon calls "naive" expectations. But on the other, they don't always have them.
Which brings me to something I've said before - that we should think not just about models, but mechanisms. We should ask: what is the mechanism by which inflation expectations are formed? It is perhaps reasonable to suspect that in ordinary times, the mechanism is a backward-looking rule of thumb. After all, in stable times, folk have better things to do than think about inflation. In abnormal times, however - such as recessions or high inflation - the costs of being wrong about inflation become higher, which leads people to abandon rules of thumb in favour of something else.
Now, this is much easier said than modeled; it leads us into Markov-switching models and other stuff I don't understand. And it might not be much use for forecasting purposes: can we tell in advance whether the expectations formation process will shift? Maybe the real world is more complicated - nay, complex - than any single model would suggest.
これを受けて、Nick Roweが以下のようなことを書いている。
For any naive way of forming expectations, you can find a world in which that naive way of forming expectations would be rational.
If the world never changed, you would think that people would figure it out eventually, even if by trial-and-error, or some sort of blind watchmaker Darwinian process. Naive and rational expectations will coincide.
It's when the world changes, so the naive expectations that were rational in the old world aren't rational in the new world, that things get tricky.
Which is an argument for small-c conservatism, in monetary policy rules and elsewhere. It keeps expectations more rational more of the time than they otherwise would be, so normal people make smaller and fewer mistakes. Because learning that new stuff is true is hard, and learning why new stuff is true is sometimes impossibly hard.
- インフレ率がランダムウォークを辿る世界(≒1970〜80年代の世界)
- ナイーブ予想 = 次期のインフレは前期のインフレと同じ