
昨日、クリス・ディローによる合理的期待と適応的期待の折衷案を紹介したが、それは10月22日エントリで触れたアンドリュー・ローのファーマとシラーの折衷案に似ている。そこで、改めてInstitutional Investor記事からローの折衷案を紹介した箇所を引用してみる。

Lo has proposed another theory, which he calls the Adaptive Markets Hypothesis, in which markets are neither efficient nor irrational, but some combination of both. Using the principles of evolution to describe stock market behavior, he notes that markets wax and wane like the populations of animals in the jungle — it’s either feast or famine. “There are periods when the market is highly efficient, and there are those that aren’t,” Lo says. “The better question is: What is the relative efficiency at a given point in time? That is something that can be measured.”

In the models Lo has developed, markets are adaptive — they take into account the level of competition, the level of sophistication, even the amount of capital deployed. The more capital deployed in a given market, the more efficient it will be and the smaller the alpha each manager can earn. “Humans may be more sophisticated than animals, but we are nevertheless animals, subject to the same kind of forces that nature has built into all of creation,” he says.
