
というGeoffrey Jonesハーバード大学教授が執筆したWPをMostly Economicsが紹介している。原題は「Multinational Strategies and Developing Countries in Historical Perspective」。

This working paper offers a historical analysis of the strategies of multinationals from developed countries in developing countries. The central argument is that strategies were shaped by the trade-off between opportunity and risk. Three broad environmental factors determined the trade-off. The first was the prevailing political economy, including the policies of both host and home governments, and the international legal framework. The second was the market and resources of the host country. The third factor was competition from local firms. The impact of these factors on corporate strategies is explored during the three eras in the modern history of globalization from the nineteenth century until the present day. The performance of specific multinationals depended on the extent to which their internal capabilities enabled them to respond to these external opportunities and threats.


機会/リスク 第一次グローバル経済
(First Global Economy)
(Second Global Economy)
1978 -
政治経済環境 受け入れ体制良好;国際法帝国主義が西側企業を支援 没収;輸入代替;為替管理 自由化したものの、政府の主権と主張強し
市場と資源 低所得;文化的相違;豊富な天然資源 所得の限定的な収斂;外国資本の所有への制限 グローバリゼーション;部族主義;低賃金労働
競争 初期段階 国有企業;民間企業には制約 民間部門の成長
戦略 地元のエリート層をパートナーとして協力させる;母国の支援を求める;ロジスティックスに関する障害を克服する 投資引き揚げ;西側への投資;余儀無い形での交渉;ジョイントベンチャーと地元企業の参加 低労働コストにアクセス;地元の市場と政治に適応