というNBER論文をEconomic Logicが紹介している。論文の原題は「The Vulnerability of Minority Homeowners in the Housing Boom and Bust」で、著者はPatrick Bayer、Fernando Ferreira、Stephen L. Ross。
This paper examines mortgage outcomes for a large, representative sample of individual home purchases and refinances linked to credit scores in seven major US markets in the recent housing boom and bust. Among those with similar credit scores, black and Hispanic homeowners had much higher rates of delinquency and default in the downturn. These differences are not readily explained by the likelihood of receiving a subprime loan or by differential exposure to local shocks in the housing and labor market and are especially pronounced for loans originated near the peak of the boom. Our findings suggest that those black and Hispanic homeowners drawn into the market near the peak were especially vulnerable to adverse economic shocks and raise serious concerns about homeownership as a mechanism for reducing racial disparities in wealth.
Economic Logicは、著者たちは触れていないが、この結果は地域再投資法(Community Reinvestment Act=CRA)に問題があったという主張に資するものではないか、と述べている。