
と題したエントリ(原題は「The construction sector is key to the business cycle」)でEconomic Logicがセントルイス連銀の論文「Reconstructing the Great Recession」を紹介している。著者はワシントン大学セントルイス連銀のミケーレ・ボルドリンほかセントルイス連銀の研究者3人。

以下はEconomic Logicによる論文の概要。

Michele Boldrin, Carlos Garriga, Adrian Peralta-Alva and Juan Sánchez build a business cycle model including an input-output table. Looking at the last business cycle and putting in the model only variations in housing demand, they find that the construction sector contributed to 30-60% of the increase of employment before the recession, and 8-15% for GDP. But during the recession, the importance of this sector was even more massive: 30-40% respectively 45-60%. Part of it comes from the size of the shock, and part for the inter-linkages with other sectors.
Michele Boldrin, Carlos Garriga, Adrian Peralta-Alva and Juan Sánchezは産業連関表を取り込んだ景気循環モデルを構築した。直近の景気循環を対象として、モデルに住宅需要の変動のみを与えた場合、建設部門が不況前の雇用の増加の30-60%、GDPの増加の8-15%に寄与したことを彼らは見い出した。しかも不況期においては同部門の重要性はますます高まり、それぞれ30-40%と45-60%となった。この結果は、ショックの規模と、他部門とのつながりによってもたらされている。


Finally, we note that the causal links discussed here operate in an environment not subject to the market failures and price-adjustment frictions now standard in business cycle models used to guide fiscal and mainly monetary policy. In the language of those models, ours is a model of potential output in which fluctuations of economic activity cannot be counteracted with standard policy tools. Our findings are important for policy discussions using those models because they imply that output gaps may not be as large as previously thought.
