


この辺りについてDavid Glasnerがブログで何か書いていないか、とぐぐってみたところ、中央銀行と政府の中央計画との違いについて論じた一連のエントリの一つ「Hayek on Central Banking and Central Planning 」――そのエントリでは、中央銀行と中央計画の違いについて書いたハイエクの文章を引用している――のコメント欄で、「でもその後の貨幣発行自由化論でハイエクは以前の立場を改めたんだよね(And then in Denationalization of Money he recants his earlier position)」と書いたコメンターに以下のように応じている。

RH, Be careful. Hayek recanted the idea that a government withdrawal from the monetary sphere was not practical. That was the result of a new theoretical insight on his part that he had not conceived of in his earlier work. But his new insight into monetary theory does not at all mean that he recanted his explicit statements that government involvement in the monetary system was not the kind of central planning that he had warned against in the Road to Serfdom or his earlier theoretical writings on central planning or that such involvement was in any way inconsistent with nineteenth century liberalism.

I myself have written a book on free banking, arguing that under certain conditions, a free banking system under a kind of indirect convertibility, would allow us to do away with any discretionary authority on the part of the Fed or any central bank. So I am by no means an unqualified supporter of the Fed or of central banks in general. But just because someone opposes an institution, it doesn’t give him the right to accuse it of being engaging in an activity that is far more sinister than the function that it is, necessarily or not, performing.

Hayek, by the way, was one of my inspirations in writing my book, but despite my admiration for him, I think that I showed that he was mistaken in his claims that a competitive process could be relied on to establish a standard or multiple standards in terms of which the value of different privately produced competing monies would be determined. He simply assumed that banks could give their liabilities value without specifying some outside asset in terms of which their money could be evaluated and he also failed to see that there are powerful network effects that would force the convergence of multiple standards on a single standard, and that the convergence would not necessarily result in the choice of an optimal standard.

*1:ここでは、「that such involvement was in any way inconsistent with nineteenth century liberalism」は、「that government involvement in the monetary system...」と共に「his explicit statements」に係るが、「that such involvement was *not* in any way inconsistent」のように本来入るべきnotが抜けたもの、と解釈した(∵本文中のハイエクからの引用に、「Many economists hope, indeed, that the ultimate remedy may be found in the field of monetary policy, which would involve nothing incompatible even with nineteenth-century liberalism」という記述がある)。
