
4人の経済学者がケインズとブルームズベリーの関係を短く論じた講話集の中で、表題の趣旨のことをデューク大学のCraufurd Goodwinが述べている(H/T Mostly Economics)。

The second approach to the economy taken by Keynes from his Bloomsbury friends, in addition to the use of psychology and biography, became the centerpiece of his macro economics; this was a clear focus on the demand side of markets. The Bloomsburys discovered early on that the major problem in the arts was not to encourage artists to produce but to persuade demanders to buy. And demanders, they discovered, were complicated creatures. Keynes specifically and repeatedly rejected what he considered the simplistic Benthamite picture of humans as homogeneous and predictable utility maximizers. He agreed with the other Bloomsburys that humans purchased goods and services for reasons other than those that could easily be subsumed under the term optimization. It was not only to the celebrated phenomenon of “animal spirits” that Keynes turned for an explanation of human unpredictability, he examined also the particular buying characteristics of various categories of economic actor: the mercurial expectations of investors, the fearfulness of many seeking greater liquidity, and the stolid consumption behavior of the mass of the population. Keynes knew well how his close Bloomsbury friend Roger Fry had decomposed the demand for the arts into categories of demanders with different behavioral characteristics, to which Fry gave names like “classicists”,”Philistines,”“snobbists,” and “the herd.” Maynard performed a similar decomposition for the economy as a whole.