

LA: That’s essentially how to deal with each crisis in isolation. The problem is each crisis has been worse than the last. Is there something fundamentally flawed in the way we’ve been trying to deal with them? Can we not find some durable remedy?

TG: Are you asking if we are in this trap where the things you have to do to solve the last crisis make the next crisis more likely?

LA: Yes.

TG: I’m not an adherent to that basic view. I respect it and I understand it. But I think there’s something about human beings, and something about financial systems, where people tend to give less weight to the risk of an extreme event. So after a long period of relative stability, like we had in the U.S. and the world economy in the decade before this, that leads people to take on more risk than they should, borrow more than they should, and that’s what creates the vulnerability to crisis.

The things we did in this crisis, and certainly the things we did in financial reform, will significantly reduce the probability and the intensity of crises for a long period of time. Because there’s much more capital in the financial system. We did a pretty brutal restructuring of our financial system as a part of the crisis response. I know that markets over time will find their way around those things, and memories will fade. But if we’re lucky that will take a long time.

LA: Based on what you saw while getting financial reform through, do bankers have too much political muscle in this country?

TG: Not anymore. There’s always some risk of regulatory capture in the Congress or of regulators that would undermine reform. But I don’t think that’s our biggest challenge. It is true that there is an ongoing political effort to legislate a weakening Dodd-Frank or block appointees. But that effort does not have much political force now. I think our country is strong enough to withstand that. These are really complicated things to do. I think the harder challenge is to be able to attract talented people to come into government do these things and let them operate independent of political forces.

LA: Your famous saying is, “a plan beats no plan.”

TG: It’s not a great phrase. Really what you want to say is a good plan beats a bad plan.


おっしゃっているのは、基本的にそれぞれの危機を個々に対処する場合の話ですよね。問題は、それぞれの危機が直近のものよりひどくなっている、という点です。我々の危機対処のやり方に何か根本的な欠陥があるのでしょうか? 何かしらの持続的な改善策を見つけることは可能なのでしょうか?


*1:この言葉は、資本注入無用論 - himaginaryの日記で紹介した大村敬一氏の経済教室における「次の熱狂ダンスを誘うイノベーションの音を聞くまでにそう時間はかからない」(cf. ここの小生のコメントでの引用)と対照的である。