少し前に地理的条件と経済成長の関係に関するアセモグル=ロビンソンとジェフリー・サックスの論争を紹介したが、サックス側に有利となるような研究をEurekAlert経由でEconomist's Viewが紹介している。
While most of the world is thought to be growing economically, more than one-sixth of the world is roughly as poor today as their ancestors were hundreds of years ago. The extremely poor live largely in the tropics. This latitudinal gradient in income suggests that there are biophysical factors, such as the burden of disease, driving the effect. However, measuring the effects of disease on broad economic indicators is confounded by the fact that economic indicators simultaneously influence health. We get around this by using simultaneous equation modeling to estimate the relative effects of disease and income on each other while controlling for other factors. Our model indicates that vector-borne and parasitic diseases (VBPDs) have systematically affected economic development. Importantly, we show that the burden of VBPDs is, in turn, determined by underlying ecological conditions. In particular, the model predicts that the burden of disease will rise as biodiversity falls. The health benefits of biodiversity, therefore, potentially constitute an ecosystem service that can be quantified in terms of income generated.
論文ではアセモグル=ロビンソンやサックスの論文にも言及しており、(直近の論争はともかく)その辺りの議論を意識していることを伺わせている。EurekAlert記事では、政治・制度面の影響にこだわるのは冷戦時代の経済学、という著者の一人(ハーバード・メディカル・スクールの経済学者Matthew Bonds)のアセモグル=ロビンソンに喧嘩を売るような発言も伝えている。一方、Economist's ViewのMark Thomaは、自分の専門外なので開発経済学者の評価を求む、という慎重な書き方をしている。