
FT Alphavilleのイザベラ・カミンスカが、非伝統的金融政策をmumps(=most unusual monetary policies;mumpsにはおたふく風邪の意味もある)と呼んだUBSのGeorge Magnusの論説に事寄せて、ここで紹介した自説をさらに解説している

In short, the problem is not money availability but rather a lack of opportunities to deploy that money towards.

Think of it as the modern paradox of investment. We don’t necessarily need investments in things that produce more stuff. Rather, we need investment in companies that produce the same amount of stuff only more efficiently — or more stuff with less resources. There’s also the need to invest in big ideas, public infrastructure and utility projects, all of which are notoriously hard to squeeze profits out of.

It’s possibly one reason why the corporate sector has become so margin obsessed.

And here’s where the limits of growth debate comes in.

If there is a need in society, and a company moves to service that need, the company will usually derive a profit from filling that gap. (Unless it’s infrastructure-based in which case it’s about covering one’s costs and ensuring enough income can be generated to maintain operations.) So it makes sense to redirect today’s available capital, labour and output from an investor — who has no need for those things today, but believes will need more of those things tomorrow — to a company or entrepreneur, and reward the investor with additional output tomorrow.

Throughout history, bankruptcies have been caused by companies that were not able to keep those promises to investors in the future — mostly because the things they were making were less needed than anticipated.
However, the sooner the world realises that the old debt rules don’t necessarily apply to economies that to this day cannot justify delayed consumption — because there is more than enough capacity and output to go round, and there is no need to consume less today in order to ensure more output tomorrow — there isn’t the same importance attached to ensuring that old investor promises are kept sacrosanct.
After all, what does the number of promises in the economy matter, when there is more than enough goods and services to go round?



Since taking mumps away from the economy is not a practical solution, especially when the private sector refuses to spend, it stands to reason that the government must spend on behalf of the economy instead.

ミンスカはまた、こちらのエントリで、スピノザのいわゆる3つの感情――苦痛、喜び、欲望――に貨幣が結び付いている、というエマニュエル・ダーマン(Emanuel Derman)の論考に事寄せて、mumpsへの反発について以下のように考察している。

The conclusion Derman comes to is that money’s link to pain is crucial to determining its value.

In the current context, that makes for a rather striking insight.

Is the crisis the result of money having become detached from pain? What’s more, do financial bailouts, QE3, zero-interest-rate policies and easily printed money only detach money ever further from this historical link to suffering? And is this why such policies are currently drawing so much scrutiny and contempt?

As Derman notes:

Fiat money involves only pleasure and desire, but omits the recognition of pain.

In which case… are austerity policies more about an innate social need to reattach pain to money than a rational economic cure?
危機は貨幣が苦痛から切り離された帰結として生じたのだろうか? また、金融機関の救済やQE3やゼロ金利政策や貨幣がいとも簡単に増刷されることは、歴史的な貨幣と苦痛とのつながりをさらに疎遠にしてしまうだけに終わるのだろうか? そして、そのことが、それらの政策が現在あれほどの厳しい目と軽蔑の眼を向けられている理由なのだろうか?



ちなみにこちらのFT Alphavilleまとめエントリでは、昨日紹介したボードリヤールエントリへのリンクと併せて、「イジーが市場の将来について哲学的になっている…(Izzy waxed philosophical about the future of markets…)」という(同僚への冷やかしのようにも読める)寸評と共に上の2番目のエントリにリンクしている。
