Retreat, Hell! EU!

とバリー・アイケングリーンがProject Syndicateに書いているMostly Economics経由)*1

Europe’s leaders now agree on a vision of what the EU should become: an economic and monetary union complemented by a banking union, a fiscal union, and a political union. The trouble starts as soon as the discussion moves on to how – and especially when – the last three should be established.
Europe has been here before – in the 1990’s, when the decision was taken to establish the euro. At that time, there were two schools of thought. One camp argued that it would be reckless to create a monetary union before economic policies had converged and institutional reforms were complete.

The other school, by contrast, worried that the existing monetary system was rigid, brittle, and prone to crisis. Europe could not wait to complete the institution-building process. It was better to create the euro sooner rather than later, with the relevant reforms and institutions to follow. At the slight risk of overgeneralization, one can say that the first camp was made up mainly of northern Europeans, while the second was dominated by the south.

The 1992 exchange-rate crisis then tipped the balance. Once Europe’s exchange-rate system blew up, the southerners’ argument that Europe could not afford to postpone creating the euro carried the day.

The consequences have not been happy. Monetary union without banking, fiscal, and political union has been a disaster.

But not proceeding would also have been a disaster. The 1992 crisis proved that the existing system was unstable. Not moving forward to the euro would have set up Europe for even more disruptive crises. That is why European leaders took the ambitious steps that they did.

Not proceeding now with bank recapitalization and government bond purchases would similarly lead to disaster. Europe thus finds itself in a familiar bind. The only way out is to accelerate the institution-building process significantly. Doing so will not be easy. But disaster does not wait.


Mostly Economicsは、このアイケングリーンの論考は以下の2点において通説に反すると驚いている。

» One usually sees econs arguing that the experiment was wrong to begin with. Prof. says it would have been worse if the project was not launched.
» After the hurried approach for euro resulting into the current crisis, the lesson perhaps could be to go slow on next round of such measures.

  • 一般に経済学者は、通貨統合の試みがそもそも間違いだった、と論じている。アイケングリーン教授は、通貨統合へと進まなければもっとひどいことになっていた、と論じている。
  • ユーロ設立を急いだことが現在の危機につながったことを考えれば、次のラウンドはもっとじっくり進めるべき、ということが普通は教訓になるのではないか。
