
と題したvoxeu記事をIMFの2人の研究者(Luc Laeven、Fabian Valencia)が書いているMostly Economics経由;原題は「The curse of advanced economies in resolving banking crises」)。


While conventional wisdom would have it that advanced economies with their stronger macroeconomic frameworks and institutional setting would have an edge in crisis resolution, the record thus far supports the opposite: advanced economies have been slow to resolve banking crises, with the average crisis lasting about twice as long as in developing and emerging market economies (Table 1).

While differences in initial shocks and financial system size surely contribute to these different outcomes, in a recent working paper (Laeven and Valencia 2012), we suggest that the greater reliance by advanced economies on macroeconomic policies as crisis management tools may delay financial restructuring, with the risk of prolonging the crisis. We refer to this as the ‘curse’ of advanced economies.

This is not to say that macroeconomic policies should not be used to support the broader economy during a crisis. Macroeconomic policies should be the first line of defence. They stimulate aggregate demand and sustain asset prices, thus supporting output and employment, and indirectly a country’s financial system. This helps prevent a disorderly deleveraging and gives way for balance sheet repair, buying time to address solvency problems head on. However, by masking balance sheet problems of financial institutions, they may also reduce incentives for financial restructuring, with the risk of dampening growth and prolonging the crisis. A similar point is made in BIS (2012).
初期ショックや金融システムの規模の違いが結果の違いに寄与していることは確かだが、最近のワーキングペーパー(Laeven and Valencia 2012)で我々は、危機管理ツールとしてのマクロ経済政策への依存度が高いことが、先進国経済において金融再編を遅らせ、危機を長引かせるリスクを高めているのではないか、と論じた。我々はこれを先進国経済の「呪い」と呼ぶ。


Country Output loss*2 Increase in debt*3 Monetary expansion*4 Fiscal costs*5 Duration*6
All 23.0 12.1 1.7 6.8 2.0
Advanced 32.9 21.4 8.3 3.8 3.0
Emerging 26.0 9.1 1.3 10.0 2.0
Developing 1.6 10.9 1.2 10.0 1.0


Sweden’s experience during its banking crisis in the early 1990’s is often hailed as an example of successful crisis resolution. The Swedish government moved swiftly to liquidate failing banks, recapitalise viable institutions, and remove bad assets from the system, avoiding large-scale forbearance and evergreening of assets. As a result, Sweden avoided prolonged stagnation that lingering bad assets would have entailed, achieving a quick recovery from the crisis, supported by external demand.

Yet, not all countries achieve Sweden’s rate of success. Japan is a case in point. Instead of acknowledging the true extent of losses at troubled banks early on, authorities allowed insolvent institutions to continue to operate as “zombie” banks, evergreening bad credits, and using deferred tax accounting to bolster their regulatory capital positions (Caballero et al. 2008). The reluctance of these banks to resolve bad assets contributed to the Japanese lost decade.
しかし、すべての国がスウェーデンのような成功を収めたわけではない。日本が良い例だ。問題銀行の真の損失範囲を早期に把握する代わりに、当局は、破綻状態の金融機関が「ゾンビ」銀行として営業し続け、追い貸しにより不良債権を維持し続け、繰延税金の会計を用いて規制目的上の自己資本を補強することを許した(Caballero et al. 2008)。これらの銀行が不良債権の解消を遅らせたことが、日本の失われた十年を招く一因となった。


Country Output loss Increase in debt Monetary expansion Fiscal costs Duration
日本 45.0 41.7 7.2 14.0 1997-2001*7
スウェーデン 32.9 36.2 5.1 3.6 1991-1995



*2:論文の本表(TableA1)の注より:In percent of GDP. Output losses are computed as the cumulative sum of the differences between actual and trend real GDP over the period [T, T+3], expressed as a percentage of trend real GDP, with T the starting year of the crisis.

*3:論文の本表の注より:In percent of GDP. The increase in public debt is measured over [T-1, T+3], where T is the starting year of the crisis. For the 2007-2009 crises, it is computed as the difference between pre- and post-crisis debt projections.

*4:論文の本表の注より:In percent of GDP. Monetary expansion is computed as the change in the monetary base between its peak during the crisis and its level one year prior to the crisis. Monetary expansion is the same for all euro area countries, measured at the euro area level to reflect the common monetary policy.

*5:論文の本表の注より:In percent of GDP. Fiscal costs are defined as the component of gross fiscal outlays related to the restructuring of the financial sector. They include fiscal costs associated with bank recapitalizations but exclude asset purchases and direct liquidity assistance from the treasury.

*6:論文の本文より:computing as the difference between the end and start years of the crisis, measured in years./We define the end of a crisis as the year before both real GDP growth and real credit growth are positive for at least two consecutive years. In case the first two years record positive growth in real GDP and real credit, the crisis end date equals the starting date of the crisis. In computing end dates, we use bank credit to the private sector (in national currency) from IFS (line 22d). Bank credit series are deflated using CPI from WEO. GDP in constant prices (in national currency) also comes from the WEO. When credit data is not available, the end date is determined as the first year before GDP growth is positive for at least two years. In all cases, we truncate the duration of a crisis at 5 years, starting from the first year of the crisis.
