Mostly Economicsが紹介している1999年の論文「The Keynesian Revolution and the Nominal Revolution: Was There a Paradigm Shift in Economic Policy in the 1930s?」で、アイケングリーンがサムナーと見紛うような主張を展開している。
Monetary policy, not fiscal policy, was the force behind recovery from the Depression. Whether central banks cut interest rates and stabilized the supply of money and credit was the single most important determinant of the timing and pace of recovery. This is an uncomfortable fact for followers of Keynes. Observing the low level to which interest rates had fallen in the 1930s, The General Theory dashed cold water on the idea that interest-rate cuts could be used to jump-start recovery from the Depression. With its concept of the liquidity trap, Keynes’s theory was widely seen after World War II as explaining why monetary policy was ineffectual in a slump.
In fact, this was an entirely counterfactual story. There was little evidence of a liquidity trap in the 1930s, either in the United Kingdom, the country that was Keynes’s principal concern, or elsewhere. There was little evidence that low interest rates were a binding constraint on expansionary monetary policies, given the other instruments in central banks’ arsenals. The constraint was not the ability of central banks and governments to reflate their economies but rather their willingness to do so.
Above all, the fact and ideology of the gold standard stood in the way. So long as the gold standard remained in place, the commitment to defend the central bank’s gold reserves and stabilize the gold parity was an insurmountable obstacle to the adoption of expansionary policies. Indeed, so long as the ideology of the gold standard prevailed, governments and central banks failed to even recognize the need to remove that obstacle. And only when it finally was removed did recovery from the Depression at last commence.
Thus, the fundamental change in policy making in the 1930s was not the Keynesian revolution but the “nominal revolution” — the abandonment of the gold standard for managed money. In fact, the intellectual basis for this revolution was Keynes’s own earlier work, in The Tract on Monetary Reform, published in 1923, ideas he largely neglected in The General Theory.
Looking back on the monetary and fiscal policies of the 1930s from the end of millennium suggests too many parallels for comfort. The Japanese economy remains becalmed in what is now a decade-long depression. For much of the 1990s, Japanese policy makers were reluctant to act for fear of creating another bubble economy like that which Japan had experienced in the 1980s. Better to liquidate stocks, liquidate real estate, and purge the rottenness out of the system. There was, moreover, the worry that deficit spending would drive up interest rates and crowd out more productive investment, given the weakness of the Japanese financial system and the banks’ reluctance to lend. Shades of the Treasury view! And there was even the fear that an expansionary monetary policy would unleash inflation, this in the face of the most pronounced deflation experienced by a major industrial country in the second half of the 20th century. Shades of gold standard orthodoxy!
20世紀の終わりに当たって1930年代の金融財政政策を振り返ると、類似点の多さに不安を覚える。日本経済は今や十年の長きに達する恐慌に囚われたままである。1990年代の大部分において、日本の政策当局者は、1980年代に経験したようなバブル経済の再来を恐れて、行動を躊躇ってきた。それよりは株式を清算し、不動産を清算し、経済システムから腐敗を一掃した方が良い、というわけだ。また、金融システムの脆弱さと銀行の貸出意欲の乏しさに鑑みると、財政赤字による支出が金利を上昇させ、もっと生産的な投資をクラウドアウトしてしまうのではないか、という懸念も存在していた。大蔵省見解の残影が今ここに! さらに、拡張的な金融政策がインフレを解き放ってしまうのではないか、という懸念すら存在していた。20世紀後半に主要先進国が経験した最も顕著なデフレを目の前にして、である。金本位制の教義の残影が今ここに!