HuffingtonPostで、かつてポーランドなどの経済改革の顧問を務めたジェフリー・サックスが、先にプーチンに退任を促したゴルバチョフがその時に東欧の民主化に果たした役割を大いに称賛すると同時に、当時彼への援助を断った米政府を批判している(Economist's View経由)。
The West could have done much more to help Gorbachev's democratic reforms. In 1990-91, Gorbachev closely watched Poland's successful economic reforms and urged the West to support similar measures in the Soviet Union. Yet when Gorbachev appealed for Western assistance of the kind being offered to Poland, President Bush Sr. and his disastrous Secretary of Defense Richard Cheney completely rebuffed Gorbachev. A year later, Bill Clinton similarly turned his back on Boris Yeltsin, by then President of an independent Russia. Without Western financial assistance, and with Russia's own deeply divided politics and disastrous economic conditions, Russia's nascent democratic reforms were set back by chaos and corruption.