
というテーマはこれまで繰り返し論じられてきたが、NY連銀ブログでもそうした分析が行われているMostly Economics経由)。

分析自体はかなりテクニカルなものだが、コメント欄でのAndolfattoとブログ主Simon Potterとのやり取りが面白かった。



The economics profession has been appropriately criticized for its failure to forecast the large fall in U.S. house prices and the subsequent propagation first into an unprecedented financial crisis and then into the Great Recession.

As a member of the economics profession, I take issue with you lumping me into a group of people that(according to someone's infallible judgement) are to be "appropriately criticized" for their apparent lack of skill in the divine art of haruspicy.

You are giving people the impression that economists should be able to forecast business cycle turning points and asset price movements with precision. All we can really do is predict that crises will occur; and then make conditional forecasts about how things are likely to evolve after that.

We know that the people of Naples are one day going to suffer from the wrath of Vesuvius. Everyone knows this (but choose to ignore it, because the probability is small). But when that mountain blows, or when the tsunami hits the coast of California, you can bet there will be people complaining that the "authorities failed to predict...and that therefore I am entitled to...)




David Andolfatto correctly notes that predicting the exact timing of a recession is difficult, but I disagree with his claim about conditional forecasts. Very few economists conditioning on a recession were predicting the depth of the recession that occurred; there is a section of my post discussing this point (here, the population of economists I am applying “few” to is Ph.D. economists working for government agencies and large banks, an important caveat many of the commenters have pointed out). Dr. Andolfatto uses the notion of a crisis to avoid this implication about the depth of the recession. I agree that we should condition on a crisis and think both about how it might unfold and, perhaps more importantly, how conditions might develop that make a crisis more likely.
David Andolfattoが景気後退の正確なタイミングを予測するのは難しいと述べたのは正しいが、条件付き予測の件については彼に同意できない。景気後退が起きるという条件付き予測で、実際に発生した景気後退の深刻さを予測したエコノミストはほとんどいなかった。私のエントリの中でもそのことについて論じている(ここで「ほとんどいない」という言葉を適用したエコノミストの母集団は、多くのコメンターが指摘したように、政府機関や大手銀行の博士号を持つエコノミスト、という重要な但し書きが付くが)。Andolfatto博士は景気後退の深刻さという話を避けるために、危機という概念を持ち出している。危機という条件を想定し、その際に事態がどのように展開するかということと、おそらくもっと重要なこととして、危機が発生しやすい条件がどのように形成されるか、ということの両方について考えるべき、という点については同意する。