

3. Why so much concern about inflation? It’s below target and has not been a problem for more than a generation. In the new economy, the Phillips curve — the relationship between inflation and unemployment — is very flat, and so increased demand leads to little if any inflation. Moreover, if inflation happens, the Fed can certainly control it by raising interest rates.

Perhaps, and this is why I was careful to speak of inflation risks rather than to confidently predict that inflation will happen. Yes, inflation has not been a major problem for a long time. I am 66 years old and was just starting my career the last time inflation was our principle economic problem. And certainly, there have been bogus warnings about inflation in the interim — most famously, the ones I and others dismissed at the time from conservative economists in the aftermath of the 2008 crash.
But ruling out risk scenarios because they have not been seen for a long time can be dangerous. Economists believed for a long time that the liquidity trap with zero interest rates was a historical curiosity. Yet it has defined the industrialized world for more than a decade.
We have no experience with fiscal stimulus like that under consideration and the impact on inflation expectations. The acceleration of inflation during the Vietnam War that was a precursor to the stagflation of the 1970s involved excessive fiscal stimulus of perhaps 1 percent of GDP annually. While they are still at nonthreatening levels, it is noteworthy that market inflation expectation measures have increased by more in the last 90 days than during any comparable period in this century, except for moments when inflation expectations were in the basement, as in 2008 or the early days of this pandemic.
Can and will the Fed control the situation effectively if inflation starts to rise? History is not encouraging. Every past significant inflation acceleration has been quickly followed by recession. Tamping down inflation will require allowing unemployment to rise, and engineering a soft landing is difficult: Unemployment has never risen by half a percentage point without then rising by almost two points, or more. Perhaps policymakers are better equipped to avert a downturn today than they have been in the past, but this kind of reassurance was confidently provided before the 2008 crash. The flatness of the Phillips curve is a double-edged sword: It implies that if inflation does arise, policymakers will have to accept substantial increases in unemployment before it starts to fall. And given the Fed’s guidance about keeping rates low, the economy’s high degree of leverage, and pressures on the dollar, I worry that containing an inflationary outbreak without triggering a recession may be even more difficult now than in the past.

なぜインフレをそこまで懸念するのか? インフレは目標以下であるし、30年以上問題になったことはなかった。ニューエコノミーでは、フィリップス曲線――インフレと失業の関係――は非常に平坦なので、需要の増大がインフレをもたらすとしてもごく僅かだろう。また、仮にインフレになったとしても、FRB金利を引き上げてコントロールできる。

インフレが上昇し始めた時、FRBは状況を効果的にコントロールする意思と能力を持っているだろうか? 歴史を振り返ると楽観的にはなれない。過去の主要なインフレ加速はすべて景気後退がすぐ後に続いた。インフレを鎮静化するには失業率の上昇を許容せねばならず、軟着陸に持っていくのは難しい。失業率が0.5%ポイント上昇した後、2%ポイント近くないしそれ以上上昇しなかったことはなかった。おそらく今日の政策担当者は過去におけるよりも景気後退を防ぐ術を持ち合わせているだろうが、その種の安心感は2008年の危機の前にも自信を持って提供されていた。フィリップス曲線の平坦さは諸刃の剣である*1。インフレが上昇したならば、その低下の前に政策担当者は失業率の大幅な上昇を受容しなければならないであろう。そして、金利を低く止めおくというFRBの指針、経済の高水準のレバレッジ、ドルへの圧力に照らすと、景気後退を引き起こすことなしにインフレ上昇の勃発を封じ込めることは過去よりも今の方が一層難しいのではないか、と私は懸念している。
