としてセーシェルが報告されている(Mostly Economics経由)。
以下はその報告記事のうち、Mostly Economicsで引用された部分。
Since independence in 1976, Seychelles—an archipelago of about 115 islands in the middle of the Indian Ocean—had built up a successful economy, supported by a growing tourism sector. But a combination of overly expansionary fiscal and monetary policies, a pegged exchange regime, and a complex system of exchange controls, state subsidies and financial sector restrictions culminated in a severe balance of payments and public debt crisis in the second half of 2008.
Seychelles’ subsequent default on its external debt led to a fundamental reform program supported by the IMF, first through $26 million Stand-by Arrangement, and then by a $31 million Extended Fund Facility.
Seychelles’ arrangements with the IMF had brought about the boldest reform program ever undertaken in the country, Herminie stated. With IMF support, the Seychellois government had removed all exchange restrictions, floated the currency, liberalized interest rates, introduced a modern monetary framework, and significantly tightened fiscal policy.Vice President and Finance Minister Danny Faure recalled that when the government of Seychelles decided to embark on the reform program in October 2008, the move to float the exchange rate was the most critical decision Seychelles had to take. This was a historic time when the parliamentarians had risen to the occasion and amended the country’s Central Bank Act accordingly, Faure said.
Real GDP was now projected to grow at more than 6 percent in 2010. Using cross-country comparisons, Le Dem underlined the need to address the substantial external vulnerabilities that a small island state like Seychelles confronted, including through rebuilding policy buffers, catching up with infrastructure investment, and completing pro-business tax reforms including the introduction of a value-added tax.
副大統領兼財務大臣のDanny Faureによると、セーシェル政府が2008年10月に改革プログラムに乗り出した際、変動相場制への移行が同国にとって最も緊迫した決断だったと述懐する。国会議員たちは毅然としてこの難局に臨み、中央銀行法の改正を行った、とFaureは言う。
現在、2010年の実質経済成長率は6%以上になるものと予測されている。(IMF側の担当責任者)Le Demは、他国を例に引きつつ、セーシェルのような小さな島国が外部からの影響を非常に受けやすいという問題を、政策に余裕を取り戻し、インフラ投資を推進し、付加価値税の導入を含むビジネス促進的な税制改革を遂行するによって対処することの必要性を強調した。