Yes, the central bank can neutralize any additional fiscal stimulus by raising interest rates. (It is not clear that it can undo any fiscal contraction by some combination of lowering interest rates and quantitative easing: it may be able to.) What is clear is that the U.S. Federal Reserve and the Bank of England are right now definitely not in a place where they would neutralize any additional fiscal stimulus by raising interest rates.
確かに中央銀行は、金利を上げることによって、いかなる追加的な財政刺激策の効果も打ち消すことができる。(ただし、中央銀行が、緊縮財政の効果を、金利引き下げと量的緩和の組み合わせによって打ち消すことができるかどうかは定かでない――多分できるだろう。) 確かなことは、FRBもBOEも金利引き上げによって追加的な財政刺激策の効果を打ち消す立場に現在は間違いなく立っていない、ということだ。
...I have no idea what DeLong means by the “What is clear . . .” sentence. The argument that fiscal policy can be offset with monetary policy is not based on moving interest rates, as indeed (I believe) DeLong implicitly admitted in the previous sentence. Just as nobody thinks the Fed would respond to fiscal contraction by cutting rates to minus 1%, nobody thinks they’d raise rates to 1% the day after Congress passed a fiscal stimulus. But they don’t have to. The way monetary policy works at the zero bound is by changing inflation expectations. If the expected amount of inflation over the next 5 years doesn’t change after fiscal stimulus is announced, then the fiscal stimulus is expected to fail.
Why might it be expected to fail if the Fed didn’t raise rates right after the stimulus was passed? Simple; the Fed’s exit strategy would be adjusted. If you think this possibility is far-fetched then you haven’t been paying attention. A couple months ago all the chatter out of the Fed was about how the economy was recovering strongly, and that before too long we needed to be contemplating an exit from stimulus. (Yes, they believe they are actually being stimulative, as they haven’t read their Milton Friedman recently.) Now just two months later all the chatter is about how the exit will be delayed in 2012. What’s happened in between? The Greek and Spanish crises, the strong dollar, higher than expected unemployment claims, lower than expected private job creation, low core CPI inflation, etc, etc. In other words, the Fed most definitely does respond to signals about AD.
なぜ刺激策が通過した直後にFRBが金利を上げたわけでもないのに、その失敗が予想されるのか? 理由は簡単で、FRBの出口戦略が調整されるからだ。もしそんなことはありえないと思うのならば、貴君はきちんと状況を観察していない。2ヶ月前、FRBから出てくる話は、いかに景気回復が力強いかということと、近いうちに刺激策からの出口をきちんと考えなくてはならない、というものばかりだった。(そう、彼らは刺激策を取っていると本気で思っていた。最近ミルトン・フリードマンを読んでいなかったせいだ。) それから僅か2ヶ月後の今、出てくる話は出口が2012年まで遅れるというものばかりだ。その間に何があったか? ギリシャとスペインの危機、ドル高、予想より高い失業率、予想より低い民間の雇用創出、低いコアインフレ率、等々だ。言い換えれば、FRBは間違いなく総需要に関するシグナルに反応しているわけだ。