Mostly Economicsに表題のエントリ(原題は「Redefining monetizing government debt」)が上がっていた。内容は、セントルイス連銀経済顧問のダニエル・ソーントン(Daniel L. Thornton)の論考「Monetizing the Debt」の紹介*1。
The idea that the Fed monetizes government debt by the simple act of exchanging money for government debt is too narrow and uninteresting because the Fed conducts monetary policy primarily through open market operations— buying and selling securities—most often government securities. When the Fed purchases securities the stock of high-powered money (also known as the monetary base) increases. When it sells securities the monetary base decreases. If “monetizing the debt” is defined as the act of converting government debt to money, there would be no reason to ask, “Has the Fed monetized the debt?” The answer would be simple: “Yes, every time it purchases government securities.”
I suggest that an economically meaningful definition of “monetizing the debt” must be based on the Fed’s motive for increasing the money supply.
If the Fed purchases government debt solely to achieve its objectives of price stability and maximum sustainable economic growth, it is not monetizing the debt. In this case, the Fed’s actions are designed not to reduce the amount of interest-bearing government debt held by the public, but rather to provide an appropriate growth in the money stock consistent with price stability and maximum economic growth.
While more economically meaningful, this definition is difficult to make operational for two reasons: uncertainty regarding the Fed’s primary motivation and timing of the intervention.
For example, the Fed has completed its purchase of $1.25 trillion in mortgage-backed securities (MBS) in an effort to support the sagging mortgage market. ・・・if the Fed is holding $1.25 trillion in MBS formerly held by the private sector, the credit previously supplied to the MBS market by the private sector is available to purchase government debt. Hence, as long as the amount of credit supplied by the private sector is not affected by the Fed’s actions, the implications of the Fed’s actions for federal finance will be much the same as if the Fed had purchased government securities—a central bank does not have to purchase government securities to monetize debt.
The Fed has expressed a desire to neutralize the potential effect of its massive acquisition of securities on the monetary aggregates by paying interest on bank excess reserves and/or by offering banks term deposits that bear a market rate of interest. Such a scenario would mean that much of the interest income generated by the Fed holding these assets would be paid to banks rather than rebated to the Treasury. From the point of view of Treasury finance, the effect would be much the same as if the private sector (specifically, banks) were holding the debt. Indeed, if the interest paid by the Fed exactly equaled its interest income, the effect would be the same as if banks were holding the debt. The Fed would be merely allocating credit by purchasing securities from the private sector and paying the interest income from these securities to banks.
The only effective way to determine whether the Fed (or any central bank) has monetized debt is to compare its performance relative to its stated objectives. Many central banks have adopted a numerical inflation target. If inflation is running above the target when the government is faced with a debt-financing issue, one might suspect that the central bank is monetizing the debt. The Fed has not adopted
a specific numerical inflation target, which makes it more difficult to determine whether its actions are purely motivated by its policy objective. In general, the more explicated a central bank is about its policy objectives, the easier it is to determine whether it is monetizing the debt.