ダニ・ロドリックがProject Syndicateに「The Return of Industrial Policy」と題した論説を書いている(Economist's View経由)。そこで彼は、各国の最近の事例を紹介した上で、以下のように書いている。
The shift toward embracing industrial policy is therefore a welcome acknowledgement of what sensible analysts of economic growth have always known: developing new industries often requires a nudge from government. The nudge can take the form of subsidies, loans, infrastructure, and other kinds of support. But scratch the surface of any new successful industry anywhere, and more likely than not you will find government assistance lurking beneath.
The real question about industrial policy is not whether it should be practiced, but how.
- 産業政策は特定の政策の集合ではなく、雰囲気作りである。
- 産業政策には飴と鞭の双方が必要である。
- 産業政策の実施者は、産業政策は社会全体に奉仕するものであって、監督する官僚やインセンティブを受ける対象企業に奉仕するわけではないことを肝に銘じる必要がある。
The standard rap against industrial policy is that governments cannot pick winners. Of course they can’t, but that is largely irrelevant. What determines success in industrial policy is not the ability to pick winners, but the capacity to let the losers go – a much less demanding requirement. Uncertainty ensures that even optimal policies will lead to mistakes. The trick is for governments to recognize those mistakes and withdraw support before they become too costly.