
ワシントンブログが「世界第二の経済は追い詰められているのか?(Is the World’s Second Biggest Economy On the Ropes?」と題した4/11エントリで日本の公的債務問題を取り上げている。ただ、エントリ本文よりもクロスポストされたzerohedgeでのコメントの方が面白かったので、以下に紹介してみる(ワシントン自身も本文にそのコメントを追記している)*1

Japan sure looks like it is trouble. But some comparisons to the US are more troubling.
From the CIA fact book:
Japan External Debt = $2.13 Trillion
Japan Reserves = ~$1 Trillion
US External Debt = 13.45T
US Reserves = 75b
From this you get the Japanese External Debt/Reserves as 2:1. For every dollar of debt they owe outside the country they have 50 cents in a piggy bank in real reserves.
The US External Debt/Reserves is 180:1. Our reserve coverage ratio is 1/2 cent for every dollar of external debt.
GW makes the case that Japan is broke because they owe 200% debt to GDP. He is right. They are broke. But the real question of solvency come down to "Who do you that debt to?"
Japan's GDP to external debt is 2:1.
The same ratio for the US is 1:1.
So by this calculation Japan has a much more managable debt load than the US. They owe it largely to themselves. We owe it to non US persons.
Please don't tell me that the US has the ability to print reserves. That argument is not going to fly in 2010. We have a much bigger problem that does Japan.



  • 日本の対外債務=2.13兆ドル
  • 日本の外貨準備=約1兆ドル
  • 米国の対外債務=13.45兆ドル
  • 米国の外貨準備=750億ドル


*1:ちなみにNaked Capitalismにもクロスポストされている。