

What I think I’m seeing, although I haven’t tested this carefully, is that the causal relationship largely runs from growth to debt rather than the other way around. That is, it’s not so much that bad things happen to growth when debt is high, it’s that bad things happen to debt when growth is low.

This is definitely the case for the United States: the only period when debt was over 90 percent of GDP was in the early postwar years, when real GDP was falling, not because of debt problems, but because wartime mobilization was winding down and Rosie the Riveter was becoming a suburban housewife. It’s also clearly true for Japan, where debt rose after growth slowed sharply in the 1990s. And European debt levels didn’t get high until after Eurosclerosis set in.

I’m not denying that high debt can be a problem; but I think we need to be careful in assessing simple correlations.

Debt And Transfiguration - The New York Times



Dear Prof Krugman:
My friend and I were recently invited at a dinner-presentation (hedge fund "traders" attending), with Ken Rogoff as the guest of honour. At the conclusion of the presentation, questions were taken by Mr. Rogoff, whereupon my friend questioned him precisely on the issue you raise: the causality between debt levels and growth.

Mr. Rogoff admitted that " ...it is a good question" and went on to quote a study by Jorgenson, which apparently shows that all innovation (and therefore growth led by productivity) having come to a grinding halt in the U.S. since 2005. We thought that such a conclusion was disturbing and quite unlikely.

Now I know that you consider Mr. Rogoff to be a serious and top-level macroeconomist: which leaves me further befuddled as to why he would draw broad conclusions from obviously weak econometric analysis.


拝啓 クルーグマン教授:


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