
昨日取り上げたワルドマンのブログエントリだが、それを紹介したEconomist's Viewの方でもコメント欄で面白いやり取りが見られる(ワルドマン自身が応答を書き込んでいる)。

Tom Palley says...
The economic theory that the public knows is the ordinary textbook. By that standard Buchanan's criticisms are entirely justified because textbooks still sell the basic message of general equilibrium theory. In macro it is called the natural rate of unemployment.

If economists were dentists or doctors they would face a class action suit from former students for misrepresentations. That seems to be the implication of Robert Waldman's piece.

The trouble with Mr. Waldman's piece is he has a gripe with "economic theory", when the real problem is the economists who populate economics. It's the awful sociology of the profession and its deep intellectual intolerance that needs to be exposed. Pointing to a few enlightened margins of the profession & calling that economics does not wash with me.

Economist's View: "What's Wrong with Economic Theory as Presented to the Public?"



Oh the point of my post (such as it was) was not that economic theory is no good (I think that but just felt obliged to admit that I think that when arguing that Buchanan was making invalid criticisms of economic theory). The problem, in my view, as in Palley's is with the sociology of the profession where inconvenient facts bow to elegant theories and elegant theories bow to simpler models and everything bows to ideology.

Still, it's not so important. Politicians don't listen to use anyway, they listen to lobbyists and wingnut welfare hacks instead.

Economist's View: "What's Wrong with Economic Theory as Presented to the Public?"



When I wrote that ideology wins, I didn't mean that the profession reaches a consensus based on shared ideology. I meant that the profession reaches no consensus as we each stick to our preferred ideology.

For example, my views on economic policy are basically identical to those I had when I took my first economics course.

Economist's View: "What's Wrong with Economic Theory as Presented to the Public?"






*1:いずれもこれを紹介したマンキューブログにリンクを張っている。マンキュー自身の意見は書いていないが、Economist's View経由で知ったとのこと。