
というNBER論文が上がっているungated版)。原題は「Inflation and GDP Dynamics in Production Networks: A Sufficient Statistics Approach」で、著者はHassan Afrouzi(コロンビア大)、Saroj Bhattarai(テキサス大学オースティン校)。

We derive closed-form solutions and sufficient statistics for inflation and GDP dynamics in multi-sector New Keynesian economies with arbitrary input-output linkages. Analytically, we decompose how production linkages (1) amplify the persistence of inflation and GDP responses to monetary and sectoral shocks and (2) increase the pass-through of sectoral shocks to aggregate inflation. Quantitatively, we confirm the significant role of production networks in shock propagation, emphasizing the disproportionate effects of sectors with large input-output adjusted price stickiness: The three sectors with the highest contribution to the persistence of aggregate inflation have consumption shares of around zero but explain 16% of monetary non-neutrality.


というNBER論文が上がっている。原題は「Supply Chain Constraints and Inflation」で、著者はDiego A. Comin(ダートマス大)、Robert C. Johnson(ノートルダム大)、Callum J. Jones(FRB)。

We develop a multisector, open economy, New Keynesian framework to evaluate how potentially binding capacity constraints, and shocks to them, shape inflation. We show that binding constraints for domestic and foreign producers shift domestic and import price Phillips Curves up, similar to reduced-form markup shocks. Further, data on prices and quantities together identify whether constraints bind due to increased demand or reductions in capacity. Applying the model to interpret recent US data, we find that binding constraints explain half of the increase in inflation during 2021-2022. In particular, tight capacity served to amplify the impact of loose monetary policy in 2021, fueling the inflation takeoff.


というNBER論文が上がっている。原題は「Inflation Strikes Back: The Role of Import Competition and the Labor Market」で、著者はMary Amiti(NY連銀)、Sebastian Heise(同)、Fatih Karahan(アマゾン・ドット・コム)、Ayşegül Şahin(テキサス大オースティン校)*1

U.S. inflation has recently surged, with inflation reaching its highest readings since the early 1980s. We examine the drivers of this rise in inflation, focusing on supply chain disruptions, labor supply constraints, and their interaction. Using a calibrated two-sector New Keynesian DSGE model with multiple factors of production, foreign competition, and endogenous markups, we find that supply chain disruptions combined with a rise in the disutility of work raised inflation by about 2 percentage points in the 2021-22 period. We show that the combined shock increased price inflation in the model by 0.6 percentage point more than it would have risen if the shocks had hit separately. This amplification arises because the joint shock to labor and imported input prices makes substituting between labor and intermediates less effective for domestic firms. Moreover, the simultaneous foreign competition shock allows domestic producers to increase their pass-through into prices without losing market share. We then show that the benefit of aggressive monetary policy in the model depends on the source of the rise in inflation. If the rise in inflation is demand-driven, then aggressive monetary tightening can contain inflation without a recession later. In contrast, aggressive policy can have a large negative effect on the labor market when inflation is driven by supply chain and labor market disruptions. We use aggregate and industry-level data on producer prices, wages, and input prices to provide corroborating evidence for the key amplification channels in the model.

*1:cf. Amiti以外の著者がインフレの不在について書いた2020年のNBER論文



RIP Bob Lucas. Surely the most influential macroeconomist of the last 50 years. A perfect example of destructive creation: He made our intellectual lives more difficult, but much more exciting. Bob: Profound thanks.


というNBER論文をロゴフらが上げているungated版)。原題は「Monetary Policy without Commitment」で、著者はHassan Afrouzi(コロンビア大)、Marina Halac(イェール大)、Kenneth S. Rogoff(ハーバード大)、Pierre Yared(コロンビア大)。

This paper studies the implications of central bank credibility for long-run inflation and inflation dynamics. We introduce central bank lack of commitment into a standard non-linear New Keynesian economy with sticky-price monopolistically competitive firms. Inflation is driven by the interaction of lack of commitment and the economic environment. We show that long-run inflation increases following an unanticipated permanent increase in the labor wedge or decrease in the elasticity of substitution across varieties. In the transition, inflation overshoots and then gradually declines. Quantitatively, the inflation response is large, as is the welfare loss from lack of commitment relative to inflation targeting.

*1:cf. ここここ。ungated版の本文では、「As is standard in the literature, we allow for the existence of an exogenous labor wedge that takes the form of a proportional positive or negative tax on labor. This wedge captures statutory taxes on labor and other labor market distortions, such as the pervasiveness of regulation and unionization.」と説明している。


という主旨のNBER論文をAdam Ozimekらが上げている昨年3月時点のWP)。論文のタイトルは「How Many Americans Work Remotely? A Survey of Surveys and Their Measurement Issues」で、著者はErik Brynjolfsson(スタンフォード大)、John J. Horton(MIT)、Christos Makridis(スタンフォード大)、Alexandre Mas(プリンストン大)、Adam Ozimek(Economic Innovation Group)、Daniel Rock(ペンシルベニア大)、Hong-Yi TuYe(MIT)。

Remote work surged during the Covid pandemic but there is disagreement about the extent of the change. To address this question, we field a new, nationally-representative survey: the Remote Life Survey (RLS). We find that in October 2020, 31.6 percent of the continuously employed workforce always worked from home (WFH) and 21.9 percent sometimes or rarely WFH, totaling 53.5 percent. We compare our results with alternative measurement approaches, with a focus on government surveys and provide estimates on the impact of four factors: (a) differences among mail versus web-based survey respondents, (b) differences in the inclusion of self-employed workers, (c) the industry mix of the sample, and (d) the exclusion of people who were already remote pre-pandemic. We find that the last explanation (d) explains the bulk of the difference in estimates between the Current Population Survey (CPS) and other measures of remote work. Policymakers and researchers who turn to the BLS-CPS data series for an estimate of remote work prevalence in the American economy should note that it might be underestimating WFH levels by up to 25 percentage points. Under our preferred estimates, we find that about half of the U.S. workforce worked remotely at least one day each week as of December 2020.



というNBER論文をHamermeshらが上げている。原題は「Why Do Older Scholars Slow Down?」で、著者はDaniel S. Hamermesh(テキサス大学オースティン校)、Lea-Rachel Kosnik(ミズーリ大学セントルイス校)。

Using data describing all “Top 5” economics journal publications from 1969-2018, we examine what determines which authors produce less as they age and which retire earlier. Sub-field has no impact on the rate of production, but interacts with it to alter retirement probabilities. A positive, tentative, and contemporary writing style increases persistence in publishing. Authors whose previous work was more heavily cited produce slightly more. Those better-cited with more top-flight publications retire later than others. Declining publication with age arises mostly from habit—there is a very significant increasing positive autocorrelation of publication across the decades of a career.

同じ著者コンビの少し前のNBER論文「AGING IN STYLE: Seniority and Sentiment in Scholarly Writing」(H/T タイラー・コーエン)では、文体に焦点を当て、要旨で以下のような結果を報告している。

  • 一流の学者は年齢を重ねると他者との文体の差が大きくなる
  • 年齢の直接的な効果と、それよりもかなり小さな文体の間接的な効果で、(引用で測った)研究の寄与度は下がっていく
  • 英語圏の学者の書き方は英語圏の学者とは異なっており、そのため研究のインパクトが減じる
  • ノーベル賞受賞者の文体は、それ以外の生産性の高い学者に比べ、研究の結論に対する確信の表明が弱い


Table A1. Examples of Positive and Negative Words in Text
Positive Negative
optimal low
satisfy* bad
good lack of
efficien* without
incentive cannot
consistent negative
no doubt work
perfect poor
unique no information
improve* reject*
Table A.2. Examples of Certain and Tentative Words in Text
Certainty Tentativeness
always almost
clearly depending
correct doubtfully
definitely generally
every time might
invariably sometimes
irrefutably sort of
truly suppose
undeniably unclear
wholly vaguely
Table A3. Examples of Contemporary and Past Verbs in Text
Contemporary Past
admit admitted
arrives arrived
follows followed
happens happened
manage managed
knows knew
ranks ranked
sees saw
trusts Trusted
wants Wanted