
というNBER論文が上がっている。原題は「How do People Respond to Small Probability Events with Large, Negative Consequences?」で、著者はMartin S. Eichenbaum(ノースウエスタン大)、Miguel Godinho de Matos(カトリカ・リスボン・スクール・オブ・ビジネス・アンド・エコノミクス)、Francisco Lima(リスボン大)、Sergio Rebelo(ノースウエスタン大)Mathias Trabandt(ベルリン自由大)。

We study how people react to small probability events with large negative consequences using the outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic as a natural experiment. Our analysis is based on a unique administrative data set with anonymized monthly expenditures at the individual level. We find that older consumers reduced their spending by more than younger consumers in a way that mirrors the age dependency in COVID-19 case-fatality rates. This differential expenditure reduction is much more prominent for high-contact goods than for low-contact goods and more pronounced in periods with high COVID-19 cases. Our results are consistent with the hypothesis that people react to the risk of contracting COVID-19 in a way that is consistent with a canonical model of risk taking.



クルーグマンが、トランプの貿易政策が所期の目的を達成できなかった理由を追究した表題の小論を書いている(原題は「Why Did Trump’s Trade War Fail?」、H/T タイラー・コーエン)。以下はその一節。

I don’t mean that the burden of tariffs appears to have fallen on U.S. consumers rather than foreign exporters, which was widely predicted. Nor do I mean that the net effect of the trade war on U.S. real income was probably negative, which is also what almost all economists would have predicted.
What I mean instead is that the trade war doesn’t seem to have achieved Trump’s stated aims — aims that the rest of us may consider ill-advised, but which should nonetheless have been achievable. Protectionism, it turns out, didn’t reduce the trade deficit, either overall or in manufacturing. It also doesn’t seem to have reversed the ongoing decline in manufacturing as a share of total employment.


  1. 一般均衡:貿易収支は貯蓄投資バランスによって決まるので、貿易政策が影響するはずがない。
  2. 他の政策の影響:2017年の減税・雇用法は大規模な資本流入を招来する政策だったが、それは単純な会計等式により、貿易赤字を増やすことになる(ただしトランプ陣営がそれを理解していたかは不明)。
  3. トランプ関税の構造設計が、彼自身の観点に照らしても、拙劣だった。





というNBER論文が上がっている。原題は「Industrial Clusters, Networks and Resilience to the Covid-19 Shock in China」で、著者はRuochen Dai(中央財経大学)、Dilip Mookherjee(ボストン大)、Yingyue Quan(北京大)、Xiaobo Zhang(同)。

We examine how exposure of Chinese firms to the Covid-19 shock varied with a cluster index (measuring spatial agglomeration of firms in related industries) at the county level. Two data sources are used: entry flows of newly registered firms in the entire country, and an entrepreneur survey regarding operation of existing firms. Both show greater resilience in counties with a higher cluster index, after controlling for industry dummies and local infection rates, besides county and time dummies in the entry data. Reliance of clusters on informal entrepreneur hometown networks and closer proximity to suppliers and customers help explain these findings.


大統領選は宴もたけなわという感があるが、2つの機関による両者の経済プランの分析をこちらの記事が紹介している(H/T Mostly Economics)。

The Committee suggests that ‘both plans would add substantially to the debt’ but in numbers that are a whisker difference from each other.
Trump’s proposals for a second term would add $4.95tn to the debt through 2030. The Biden plan would contribute to a $5.6tn deficit over the same period. Similarly, there is little difference between each candidate’s one-time spending on infrastructure. The Trump plan would cost $2.45tn and the Biden plan, $2.35tn.
National public debt would increase to 125% of GDP by 2030 under Trump, and 128% under Biden. Either way, says the Committee report, Americans are facing a ‘new normal’ when it comes to budget deficits and public debt.
Moody’s Analytics also underscores the deepening fiscal challenges awaiting the next president. Nevertheless, it concludes that ‘Bidenomics’, and not ‘Trumponomics’, will result in the stronger US economy.
Moody’s says, ‘Largely because of Biden’s substantially more expansive fiscal policies, the economy would return to full employment more quickly coming out of the pandemic than under Trump – in the second half of 2022 under Biden compared with the first half of 2024 under Trump.’
A Bidenomics recovery has potential to spur creation of as many as 18.6m jobs and an after-tax income boost of $4,800 per average household. The emphasis is on speed and a bet that the size of federal spending will be offset by a partial rollback of the Trump tax cuts for business and the wealthy. A benign interest rate environment, at least until full employment returns, is also expected.
The choice between the two could not be clearer, the report concludes.
A Trump victory would mean continuation of his first term, which has been designed to help the private sector and the economy’s supply side. The president’s underlying philosophy: the private sector alone and not government is the source of jobs, higher productivity and greater wealth.
By contrast, Biden will draw on his experience stewarding the Obama administration’s economic reforms following the 2008 financial crisis and put his own stamp on the economy’s recovery. He will advocate economic reforms that reallocate resources and address longstanding, divisive economic and by extension social inequalities in access to healthcare, education and job opportunities.
ムーディーズ・アナリティクス もまた、次期大統領を待ち受けている深刻化しつつある財政課題を強調している。それにもかかわらず、「トランポノミクス」ではなく「バイデノミクス」がより強い米国経済に帰結する、と同社は結論付けている。

*1:「責任ある連邦財政のための委員会(Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget)」。cf. Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget - Wikipedia


というNBER論文が上がっている。原題は「How Did Depositors Respond to COVID-19?」で、著者はRoss Levine(UCバークレー)、Chen Lin(香港大)、Mingzhu Tai(同)、Wensi Xie(香港中文大)。

Why did banks experience massive deposit inflows during the first months of the pandemic? Using weekly branch-level data on interest rates and county-level data on COVID-19 cases, we discover that interest rates at bank branches in counties with higher COVID-19 infection rates fell by more than rates at other branches—even branches of the same bank in different counties. When differentiating weeks by the degree of stock market distress and counties by the likely impact of COVID-19 cases on economic anxiety, the evidence suggests that the deposit inflows were triggered by a surge in the supply of precautionary savings.
パンデミックの最初の数ヶ月になぜ大量の銀行への預金流入が発生したのだろうか? 週次の支店レベルの金利データと、郡レベルのCOVID-19感染データを用いて我々は、COVID-19感染率の高い郡にある銀行支店の金利が、他の支店の金利――異なる郡にある同じ銀行の支店でさえ――に比べて大きく低下したことを見い出した。株式市場の落ち込み具合によって週を区分し、COVID-19が経済への懸念に及ぼすであろう影響によって郡を区分した実証結果は、預金流入が予備的貯蓄の供給が急増したことによって引き起こされたことを示唆している。

米国の賃金フィリップス曲線は平らになったのか? 半構造的な追究

前回エントリからのフィリップス曲線の平坦化つながりということで、昨年初めの表題のNBER論文を紹介しておく(一昨年末時点のungated版)。原題は「Has the U.S. Wage Phillips Curve Flattened? A Semi-Structural Exploration」で、著者はJordi Galí(CREI)、Luca Gambetti(バルセロナ自治大学)。

Unconditional reduced form estimates of a conventional wage Phillips curve for the U.S. economy point to a decline in its slope coefficient in recent years, as well as a shrinking role of lagged price inflation in the determination of wage inflation. We provide estimates of a conditional wage Phillips curve, based on a structural decomposition of wage, price and unemployment data generated by a VAR with time varying coefficients, identified by a combination of long-run and sign restrictions. Our estimates show that the key qualitative findings from the unconditional reduced form regressions also emerge in the conditional evidence, suggesting that they are not entirely driven by endogeneity problems or possible changes over time in the importance of of wage markup shocks. The conditional evidence, however, suggests that actual changes in the slope of the wage Phillips curve may not have been as large as implied by the unconditional estimates.


エミ・ナカムラとジョン・スタインソンらが表題のWPを書いている(H/T タイラー・コーエン)。原題は「The Slope of the Phillips Curve: Evidence from U.S. States」で、著者はJonathon Hazell(プリンストン大)、Juan Herreno(コロンビア大)、Emi Nakamura(UCバークレー)、Jon Steinsson (同)。

We estimate the slope of the Phillips curve in the cross section of U.S. states using newly constructed state-level price indexes for non-tradeable goods back to 1978. Our estimates indicate that the Phillips curve is very flat and was very flat even during the early 1980s. We estimate only a modest decline in the slope of the Phillips curve since the 1980s. We use a multi-region model to infer the slope of the aggregate Phillips curve from our regional estimates. Applying our estimates to recent unemployment dynamics yields essentially no missing disinflation or missing reinflation over the past few business cycles. Our results imply that the sharp drop in core inflation in the early 1980s was mostly due to shifting expectations about long-run monetary policy as opposed to a steep Phillips curve, and the greater stability of inflation since the 1990s is mostly due to long-run inflationary expectations becoming more firmly anchored.

ちなみにこの研究内容については今年2月のナカムラの東大講演で紹介されている。上記の論文が上がっている著者の一人のJonathon HazellのHPにはデータセット上がっており、コーエンは、これは重要な代物で、さらに多くの論文がこれで書かれるだろう、とコメントしている。