

...what do you make of the growing discipleship of behavioral finance which focuses on the influence of psychology on investment decisions and questions the efficiency of markets?

What I say is that we agree on the facts but we disagree on the interpretation. In my view, there is no such thing as behavioral finance. Essentially, it’s just a criticism of efficient markets. They don’t have a theory of their own. Hence, that makes me the most important person in behavioral finance. Without me, they don’t have anybody to disagree with. So I think behavioral finance is just a branch of efficient markets.

But what about factors like emotions, herd mentality or cycles? Aren't they important at all?

Tastes and behavior are important in economics. Nobody denies that. But you have to translate these things into something testable, so we can take the data and test it, looking forward and not looking backward. That’s my response to all that stuff. It never works out.

Yet, we also know that investors regularly mix up similar-looking stock tickers or company names and thereby cause absurd movements in stock prices. How is this rational behavior?

It isn’t. You can identify mistakes like that. It’s common that names confuse investors and as a result, you can get temporary price movements. But they are usually tiny and go away quickly. I don’t say markets are completely efficient, but they’re efficient for most questions that I address. Models are never a 100% true. If they were, we would call them reality, not models. But for almost all purposes, market efficiency is a very good approximation. I’ll go even further: Almost all investors should regard markets as efficient for their own investment decisions. If they do that, they will be better off in the long-term.



しかし感情や集団心理や循環といった要因はどうでしょう? それらは全く重要ではないのでしょうか?





アイルランド中銀総裁のガブリエル・マクルーフ(Gabriel Makhlouf*1)が、経済学徒に向けたメッセージの中で、経済学者を以下のように定義している(H/T Mostly Economics)。

At some point you’ll probably be asked the question “what is an economist?”. You could reply with Keynes’ famous description of the “master economist [as] mathematician, historian, statesman, philosopher”. I suggest you also think of an economist as a “weaver”, someone who brings together different strands of evidence and analytical frameworks and weaves them into baskets to carry forward public policy and find solutions to today’s and tomorrow’s challenges.


  1. 自分が何を勉強することを選択したか、確認せよ。マクルーフにとっては、経済学は「普通に生活している人間についての学問(the ordinary business of life*3)」というのが最善の描写である(もし経済学がそれとは違うものだと考えているならば、専攻を変えた方が良い)。
  2. 経済学は「普通に生活している」ことについてきちんと考える方法を提供しているが、「基本的に道徳学であって自然科学ではない(essentially a moral science and not a natural science*4)」。言い換えれば、物理学のような正確さは提供できない。経済学はつまるところ人間科学であり、直接的で予測可能な科学の式によってではなく複雑な形で行動する主体で溢れている。
  3. 「道徳学」であるということは、経済学は他の学問と共に展開し応用された時にその洞察と推奨が最も効果的なものとなる。経済問題について考え、それを解決する上で、人類学、神経科学、心理学など他の学問分野の観点を理解、受容、尊重するための努力を払う価値はある。
  4. 経済学者は、問題を理解し解決するためにきちんと考えることを助ける多様なツールやモデルを持っている。技術によってツールは時間とともに顕著に進歩したが、経済問題を体系的に考えるために開発された「モデル」と、その対象となる「現実」とを混同しないことが重要。結局のところ結論は現実世界と結び付ける必要があり、特に政策の意思決定に展開される場合はそうである。
  5. 経済学の思想には豊富で多様な歴史があり、それは追究の価値がある(そうでないという経済学教師がいたら異議を唱えるべし)。反対意見を理解することも重要。ジョン・スチュアート・ミルが書いたように、「自分の側の論拠しか知らない人は、そのことについて良く分かっていない。彼の推論は優れたものかもしれず、誰も反論できないものかもしれない。しかし彼もまた同様に反対側の意見に反論できず、そもそも反対側の意見がどんなものかを知らなければ、どちらかの意見を選好する根拠を欠いていることになる。」
  6. 経済史を学ぶべし。我々がどのように今日の世界に到達したかを理解する助けになる。また、世界の問題のうち幾つかは新しいものではないことも分かる。温故知新。
  7. 良い文章を書くことを覚えよ。テーマが如何に複雑であろうとも、明確、単純、簡潔に書くことを心掛けよ。特に公共政策の分野に進むならその技術は役に立つ。習得は困難で時間が掛かるが、その価値はある(クルーグマンの本は、彼の意見に同意するか否かは別にして、その点で非常に良い文章の教材となる)。

*1:cf. Gabriel Makhlouf - Wikipedia]。

*2:cf. このエントリの末尾。

*3:[原注]Alfred Marshall’s description, from his Principles of Economics, (, 8th edition 1920).[日本語訳はここに依った]

*4:[原注]John Maynard Keynes in his letter to RoyHarrod, 4 July1938.


というNBER論文が上がっているungated版)。原題は「Trends in US Income and Wealth Inequality: Revising After the Revisionists*1」で、著者はEmmanuel Saez(UCバークレー)、Gabriel Zucman(同)。

Recent studies argue that US inequality has increased less than previously thought, in particular due to a more modest rise of wealth and capital income at the top (Smith et al., 2019; Smith, Zidar and Zwick, 2020; Auten and Splinter, 2019). We examine the claims made in these papers point by point, separating genuine improvements from arguments that do not appear to us well grounded empirically or conceptually. Taking stock of this body of work, and factoring in other improvements, we provide a comprehensive update of our estimates of US income and wealth inequality. Although some of the points raised by the revisionists are valuable, the core quantitative findings of this literature do not appear to be supported by the data. The low capital share of private business income estimated in Smith et al. (2019) is not consistent with the large capital stock of these businesses. In Smith, Zidar and Zwick (2020), the interest rate assigned to the wealthy is higher than in the datasets where both income and wealth can be observed, leading to downward biased top wealth shares; capitalizing equities using almost only dividends dramatically underestimates the wealth of billionaires relative to the Forbes 400. In Auten and Splinter (2019), business profits earned by the top 1% but not taxable (due in particular to generous depreciation rules) are classified as tax evasion; tax evasion is then allocated to the bottom 99% based on an erroneous reading of random audit data. Our revised series show a rise of inequality similar to Saez and Zucman (2016) and Piketty, Saez, and Zucman (2018) while allowing for a more granular depiction of the composition of wealth and income at the top.


*2:cf. ここ




*6:cf. ここ


というNBER論文が上がっている6月時点のWP)。原題は「The Micro Anatomy of Macro Consumption Adjustments」で、著者はRafael Guntin(NYU)、Pablo Ottonello(ミシガン大)、Diego Perez(NYU)。

We study crises characterized by large adjustments of aggregate consumption through their microlevel patterns. We show that leading theories designed to explain aggregate consumption dynamics differ markedly in their cross-sectional predictions. While theories based on financial frictions predict that rich households with liquid assets should be able to smooth consumption during bad times, neoclassical theories predict that these agents would optimally adjust their consumption if crises severely affect their permanent income. Using microlevel data on several episodes of large aggregate-consumption adjustment, we document that rich households significantly adjust consumption relative to their income, consistent with the permanent-income hypothesis of consumption during crises. We discuss our findings' implications for the effectiveness of stabilization policies that target consumption during crises.



というNBER論文が上がっている(ungated版へのリンクがある著者の一人のHP)。原題は「Human Capital Depreciation」で、著者はMichael Dinerstein(シカゴ大)、Rigissa Megalokonomou(クイーンズランド大)、Constantine Yannelis(シカゴ大)。

Human capital can depreciate if skills are unused. But estimating human capital depreciation is challenging, as worker skills are difficult to measure and less productive workers are more likely to spend time in non-employment. We overcome these challenges with new administrative data on teachers’ assignments and their students’ outcomes, and quasi- random variation from the teacher assignment process in Greece. We find significant losses to output, as a one-year increase in time without formal employment lowers students’ test scores by 0.09 standard deviations. Using a simple production model, we estimate a skill depreciation rate of 4.3% and experience returns of 6.8%.

教師の生産性をその生徒の成績によって測るというやり方の先行研究として本文ではRockoff(2004*1)やChetty, Friedman and Rockoff(2014*2)を挙げている。

*1:cf. これ

*2:cf. これ


貿易の重力理論を英国の歴史的なデータを用いて実証分析した「The Gravitational Constant?(重力定数?)」というNBER論文をDavid S. Jacks(サイモンフレーザー大)、Kevin Hjortshøj O'Rourke(NYUアブダビ校)、Alan M. Taylor(UCデービス)が上げている(ungated版へのリンクのあるO'RourkeのHP)。

We introduce a new dataset on British exports at the bilateral, commodity-level from 1700 to 1899. We then pit two primary determinants of bilateral trade against one another: the trade-diminishing effects of distance versus the trade-enhancing effects of the British Empire. We find that gravity exerted its pull as early as 1700, but the distance effect then attenuated and had almost vanished by 1800. Meanwhile the empire effect peaked sometime in the late 18th century before significantly declining in magnitude. It was only after 1950 that distance would once again exert the same influence that it has today.


というECBのOccasional Paper Series論文をMostly Economicsが紹介している。論文の原題は「The case for central bank independence: a review of key issues in the international debate」で、著者は同行のRodolfo Dall’Orto Mas、Benjamin Vonessen、Christian Fehlker、Katrin Arnold。

This Occasional Paper analyses how significant expansions in central banks’ mandates, roles and instruments can result in challenges to the independence of monetary policy. The paper reviews, in particular, some of the key challenges to central bank independence brought about by the global financial crisis (GFC) of 2007 and assesses their impact on the de jure and de facto independence of selected central banks around the world in the past few years. It finds that although the level of de jure (legal) central bank independence did not deteriorate, the level of de facto (actual) independence of the central banks of some of the largest economies in the world may have weakened. The paper presents counterarguments to the key critiques raised against central banks due to their policy response during the GFC, and concludes that the case for central bank independence is as strong as ever.