
貿易の重力理論を英国の歴史的なデータを用いて実証分析した「The Gravitational Constant?(重力定数?)」というNBER論文をDavid S. Jacks(サイモンフレーザー大)、Kevin Hjortshøj O'Rourke(NYUアブダビ校)、Alan M. Taylor(UCデービス)が上げている(ungated版へのリンクのあるO'RourkeのHP)。

We introduce a new dataset on British exports at the bilateral, commodity-level from 1700 to 1899. We then pit two primary determinants of bilateral trade against one another: the trade-diminishing effects of distance versus the trade-enhancing effects of the British Empire. We find that gravity exerted its pull as early as 1700, but the distance effect then attenuated and had almost vanished by 1800. Meanwhile the empire effect peaked sometime in the late 18th century before significantly declining in magnitude. It was only after 1950 that distance would once again exert the same influence that it has today.