
というNBER論文をAutorらが上げている(ungated版へのリンク1リンク2[それぞれ著者のKarbownik、Wassermanのサイト])。原題は「Males at the Tails: How Socioeconomic Status Shapes the Gender Gap」で、著者はDavid Autor(MIT)、David N. Figlio(ノースウエスタン大)、Krzysztof Karbownik(エモリー大)、Jeffrey Roth(フロリダ大)、Melanie Wasserman(UCLA)。

Analyzing Florida birth certificates matched to school records, we document that the female advantage in childhood behavioral and academic outcomes is driven by gender gaps at the extremes of the outcome distribution. Using unconditional quantile regression, we investigate whether family socioeconomic status (SES) differentially affects the lower tail outcomes of boys. We find that the differential effects of family SES on boys’ outcomes are concentrated in the parts of the distribution where the gender gaps are most pronounced. Accounting for the disproportionate effects of family environment on boys at the tails substantially narrows the gender gap in high school dropout.

この論文は、同じ著者たちによる4年前のNBER論文「School Quality and the Gender Gap in Educational Achievement」、「Family Disadvantage and the Gender Gap in Behavioral and Educational Outcomes」(関連VoxEU記事*1)の続編とでも言うべきものである。以下に4年前の論文の要旨も紹介しておく。

  • School Quality and the Gender Gap in Educational Achievement

Recent evidence indicates that boys and girls are differently affected by the quantity and quality of family inputs received in childhood. We assess whether this is also true for schooling inputs. Using matched Florida birth and school administrative records, we estimate the causal effect of school quality on the gender gap in educational outcomes by contrasting opposite-sex siblings who attend the same sets of schools—thereby purging family heterogeneity—and leveraging within-family variation in school quality arising from family moves. Investigating middle school test scores, absences and suspensions, we find that boys benefit more than girls from cumulative exposure to higher quality schools.

  • Family Disadvantage and the Gender Gap in Behavioral and Educational Outcomes

Using birth certificates matched to schooling records for Florida children born 1992–2002, we assess whether family disadvantage disproportionately impedes the pre-market development of boys. We find that, relative to their sisters, boys born to disadvantaged families have higher rates of disciplinary problems, lower achievement scores, and fewer high-school completions. Evidence supports that this is a causal effect of the post-natal environment; family disadvantage is unrelated to the gender gap in neonatal health. We conclude that the gender gap among black children is larger than among white children in substantial part because black children are raised in more disadvantaged families.

*1:H/T 前掲の著者の一人(Wasserman)のサイト。同サイトにはそのほか、NYTやWaPoの関連記事へのリンクもある。また、「School Quality~」はAmerican Economic Review Papers & Proceedings, May 2016、「Family Disadvantage~」はAmerican Economic Journal: Applied Economics, July 2019に掲載との由。


というNBER論文が上がっている。原題は「The Macroeconomics of a Pandemic: A Minimalist Model」で、著者はLuis Felipe Céspedes(チリ大)、Roberto Chang(ラトガーズ大)、Andrés Velasco(LSE)。

We build a minimalist model of the macroeconomics of a pandemic, with two essential components. The first is productivity-related: if the virus forces firms to shed labor beyond a certain threshold, productivity suffers. The second component is a credit market imperfection: because lenders cannot be sure a borrower will repay, they only lend against collateral. Expected productivity determines collateral value; in turn, collateral value can limit borrowing and productivity. As a result, adverse shocks have large magnification effects, in an unemployment and asset price deflation doom loop. There may be multiple equilibria, so that pessimistic expectations can push the economy to a bad equilibrium with limited borrowing and low employment and productivity. The model helps identify policies to fight the effects of the pandemic. Traditional expansionary fiscal policy has no beneficial effects, while cutting interest rates has a limited effect if the initial real interest rate is low. By contrast, several unconventional policies, including wage subsidies, helicopter drops of liquid assets, equity injections, and loan guarantees, can keep the economy in a full-employment, high-productivity equilibrium. Such policies can be fiscally expensive, so their implementation is feasible only with ample fiscal space or emergency financing from abroad.


前回エントリでは感染の確率的挙動を想定し国レベルのパネル推定でその推移を予測した論文を紹介したが、同様の予測を行った表題のNBER論文が上がっている。ただし前回紹介論文が感染率βについてブラウン運動を仮定したのに対し、こちらの論文ではβと回復率γについて自己回帰を仮定するとともに、ベイズ推定の枠組みを適用している*1。論文の原題は「Panel Forecasts of Country-Level Covid-19 Infections」で、著者はLaura Liu(インディアナ大)、Hyungsik Roger Moon(南カリフォルニア大)、Frank Schorfheide(ペンシルベニア大)。

We use dynamic panel data models to generate density forecasts for daily Covid-19 infections for a panel of countries/regions. At the core of our model is a specification that assumes that the growth rate of active infections can be represented by autoregressive fluctuations around a downward sloping deterministic trend function with a break. Our fully Bayesian approach allows us to flexibly estimate the cross-sectional distribution of heterogeneous coefficients and then implicitly use this distribution as prior to construct Bayes forecasts for the individual time series. According to our model, there is a lot of uncertainty about the evolution of infection rates, due to parameter uncertainty and the realization of future shocks. We find that over a one-week horizon the empirical coverage frequency of our interval forecasts is close to the nominal credible level. Weekly forecasts from our model are published at https://laurayuliu.com/covid19-panel-forecast/.





*2:cf. Coverage probability - Wikipedia


というNBER論文が上がっている。原題は「Implications of Stochastic Transmission Rates for Managing Pandemic Risks」で、著者はHarrison Hong(コロンビア大)、Neng Wang(同)、Jinqiang Yang(上海財経大)。

The reproduction number R0 plays an outsized role in managing Covid-19 risks. We show that it is an insufficient statistic, particularly for financial risks, because transmissions are stochastic due to unpredictable environmental factors. We introduce aggregate transmission shocks into a widely-used epidemic model and link firm valuation to epidemic data using an asset-pricing framework. Pooling early Covid-19 data for 16 high-risk countries, we estimate both a large R0 and transmission volatility. R0 mismeasures the benefits of lockdowns since it misses the permanence of initial transmission shocks and gives a poor approximation of conditional infection forecasts. R0 also understates Covid-19 risks to financial markets because transmission volatility is as important for firm-value damages. We then value a potential vaccine in our framework.




というNBER論文をロバート・ホールらが上げているungated版)。原題は「Why Has the US Economy Recovered So Consistently from Every Recession in the Past 70 Years?」で、著者はRobert E. Hall(スタンフォード大)、Marianna Kudlyak(SF連銀)。

It is a remarkable fact about the historical US business cycle that, after unemployment reached its peak in a recession, and a recovery began, the annual reduction in the unemployment rate was stable at around 0.55 percentage points per year. The economy seems to have had an irresistible force toward restoring full employment. There was high variation in monetary and fiscal policy, and in productivity and labor-force growth, but little variation in the rate of decline of unemployment. We explore models of the labor market's self-recovery that imply gradual working off of unemployment following a recession shock. These models explain why the recovery of market-wide unemployment is so much slower than the rate at which individual unemployed workers find new jobs. The reasons include the fact that the path that individual job-losers follow back to stable employment often includes several brief interim jobs, sometimes separated by time out of the labor force. We show that the evolution of the labor market involves more than the direct effect of persistent unemployment of job-losers from the recession shock---unemployment during the recovery is elevated for people who did not lose jobs during the recession.


としてスリランカのライターIndi Samarajivaがモンゴルを挙げているタイラー・コーエン経由のJason Kottke経由)。以下はその記事の冒頭。

Mongolia has had the best COVID-19 response in the world. Not only do they have zero deaths, they have zero local transmissions. Mongolia didn’t flatten the curve or crush the curve — they were just like ‘fuck curves’. In Mongolia, there simply wasn't an epidemic at all.
And no, they didn’t just get lucky.
Starting in January, Mongolia executed a perfect public health response, and they have never let up the pressure since. COVID-19 did not just leave Mongolia alone. Mongolia kicked its ass.
For this all this hard work, however, they get little credit. Nobody’s talking about the ‘Mongolian example’. Instead, we talk about total failures like Germany or Sweden. Like I’ve said, success is ZERO, and Mongolia is as zero as you can get.





ブルームらの不確実性論文をもう一丁。こちらのエントリで紹介した論文で言及していたBaker=Bloom=Terry(2020)が表題のNBER論文としてアップされたので、その要旨を紹介しておく。論文の原題は「Using Disasters to Estimate the Impact of Uncertainty」で、著者はScott R. Baker(ノースウエスタン大)、Nicholas Bloom(スタンフォード大)、Stephen J. Terry(ボストン大)。

Uncertainty rises in recessions and falls in booms. But what is the causal relationship? We construct cross-country panel data on stock market levels and volatility and use natural disasters, terrorist attacks, and political shocks as instruments in regressions and VAR estimations. We find that increased volatility robustly lowers growth. We also structurally estimate a heterogeneous firms business cycle model with uncertainty and disasters and use this to analyze our empirical results. Finally, using our VAR results we estimate COVID-19 will reduce US GDP by 9% in 2020 based on the initial stock market returns and volatility response.
不確実性は景気後退期に上昇し、景気拡大期に下落する。しかしその因果関係は何だろうか? 我々は、株式市場の水準とボラティリティの多国間パネルデータを構築し、自然災害、テロリストの攻撃、および政治的ショックを、回帰ならびにVAR推計の操作変数として用いた。我々は、ボラティリティの上昇が成長を低下させる頑健な関係を見い出した。我々はまた、不確実性と災害を備えた不均一な企業の景気循環モデルを構造的に推計し、このモデルで我々の実証結果を分析した。さらに、VARの結果を用いて、当初の株式市場のリターンとボラティリティの反応に基づき、COVID-19が2020年の米GDPを9%減少させると推計した。
