
というNBER論文が上がっている(cf. タイラー・コーエンの紹介ungated版へのリンクがある著者の一人のページ)。原題は「The ABC’s of Who Benefits from Working with AI: Ability, Beliefs, and Calibration」で、著者はAndrew Caplin(NYU)、 David J. Deming(ハーバード大)、Shangwen Li(NYU)、Daniel J. Martin(UCサンタバーバラ)、Philip Marx(ルイジアナ州立大)、Ben Weidmann(ハーバード大)、Kadachi Jiada Ye(NYU)*1

We ask 732 experimental participants to report the likelihood that 160 different people in photographs are over 21 years of age. Some participants are randomly assigned an AI assistant that provides them with an algorithmic confidence score. The AI assistant is more accurate than the average person but less accurate than the best person, a fact that is known to participants. Treatment group participants receive AI assistance for only some images, which allows us to estimate baseline ability at the task. We also measure general cognitive ability by administering a short form of the Ravens matrices test.
We find that AI assistance improves prediction accuracy on average and with heterogeneous impacts across individuals. We present three main findings addressing the question of ‘who benefits?’. First, the impact of AI assistance depends on whether participants are calibrated about their own abilities. Holding baseline ability fixed, a one standard deviation increase in calibration increases the average treatment effect of AI assistance by 20 percent.
Second, we find that participants with high calibration and low ability gain the most from working with AI. This is consistent with finding that AI closes the performance gap between lower performers and their more expert peers (Brynjolfsson, Li and Raymond, 2023; Noy and Zhang, 2023; Autor, 2024).
Third, we find that miscalibration limits the extent to which AI assistance can reduce performance inequality. In a counterfactual analysis where miscalibration is eliminated, the productivity gap (captured by interquartile ratio, a measure of spread) would shrink nearly twice as much as it does already with the introduction of AI assistance. The reason is that low-ability participants also tend to be more miscalibrated, which limits the benefits from working with AI.
第二に、調整度が高く能力が低い参加者がAIとの作業で最も裨益することを我々は見い出した。これは、成績の低い人とより専門性の高い同業者との間の成績の差をAIが埋めるという発見と整合的である(Brynjolfsson, Li and Raymond, 2023*4; Noy and Zhang, 2023*5; Autor, 2024*6)。

*1:cf. 一部の共著者が書いた機械学習に関する2年前のNBER論文の紹介=機械学習のモデル化 - himaginary’s diary

*2:レーヴン漸進的マトリックス - Wikipedia

*3:導入部の前段では、「Calibrated beliefs are those that are aligned with objective likelihoods. For example, when 90% sure, a calibrated person is correct 90% of the time./(原注)For a review of literature on belief calibration and systematic departures, see Benjamin (2019).」と説明されている(Benjamin (2019)はErrors in probabilistic reasoning and judgment biases - ScienceDirect、WP=Errors in Probabilistic Reasoning and Judgment Biases | NBER)。

*4:Generative AI at Work | NBER

*5:Experimental evidence on the productivity effects of generative artificial intelligenceWP

*6:cf. 中間階級の職の再建へのAIの適用 - himaginary’s diary