というNBER論文が上がっている(ungated版)。原題は「Difference-in-Differences in the Marketplace」で、著者はRobert Minton(FRB)、Casey B. Mulligan(シカゴ大)。
Price theory says that the most important effects of policy and technological change are often found beyond their first point of contact. This appears opposed to econometric methods that rule out spillovers of one person’s treatment on another’s outcomes. This paper uses the industry model from price theory to represent the statistical concepts of treatments and controls. When treated and control observations are in the same market, the controls are indirectly affected by the treatment. Moreover, even the effect of the treatment on the treated reveals only part of the consequence for the treated of treating the entire market, which is often the parameter of interest. Marshall’s Laws of Derived Demand provide a guide for empirical work: precise price-theoretic interpretations of the direct and spillover effects of a treatment, the quantitative relationships between them, and how they correspond to the scale and substitution effects emphasized in price theory.
Markets are ubiquitous. Consumers and businesses do not live or work in isolation, even approximately so. Perhaps one reaction among those engaged in measurement is to actively attempt to isolate members of the treatment group. Clinical drug trials, for example, do try to prevent trial participants from trading with each other, that is, sharing or exchanging the treatments with others. Some clinical trials even discourage participants from communicating specifics about their trial experiences to prevent (what the investigators view as) potential bias or cross-contamination of results.
We take a different approach in this paper, which is to acknowledge trade and keep it at the center of the analysis. The prototype supply and demand model can by itself account for treatments and controls in a market setting, with Marshall’s Laws of Derived Demand showing how difference-in-differences methods tend to reveal substitution effects rather than scale effects. It’s crucial to measure the extent of actual and hypothetical “treatments” in order to accurately interpret, and generalize from, difference-in-differences estimates.
What econometricians sometimes call “spillover” effects are not well described as externalities – missing markets – because markets also transmit treatment effects to the untreated through prices. Analogizing spillover effects with externalities may give the wrong impression that such effects are rare or beyond basic economic training.
At least in the market setting, per capita spillover effects tend to decrease as the size of the treatment group goes to zero, but so does the aggregate treatment effect. Small-scale treatments thereby come with two disadvantages. One is that scale effects are especially obscured by substitution effects. Second, and surprisingly, the spillover effect is comparatively large in the aggregate.